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2023 (2)
Michele Tucci

Michele Tucci

MD Americas, Chief Strategy Officer at Credolab
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Bio Michele Tucci is the Managing Director in North and Latin America and Chief Strategy Officer in credolab, the Singapore-based largest developer of bank-grade digital scorecards and data enrichment solutions. The company provides lenders, risk officers, and marketers with a previously untapped, highly-predictive source of behavioural data: privacy-consented and anonymous smartphone metadata. Career History Prior to joining credolab in 2018 as Chief Product and Marketing Officer, Michele worked on international consulting assignments, product management and business development roles with Capital One, MasterCard, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, and Telecom Italia Mobile.



Banks must connect with Gen Z — before it's too late

14 Sep 2023

Gen Z distrusts banks. Many in the under-26 age bracket blame banks for the current economic woes of the world. In their eyes, "too big to fail" means the fat cats always win, at the expense of the young and excluded. Many don’t see why banks even need to exist. In their eyes, decentralized finance based on blockchain-enabled P2P platfo...


Unraveling Asia's Fintech Success: Lessons for the Global Industry

31 May 2023

While North America and Europe have long been considered fintech heavyweights, South-East Asia is emerging as a worthy addition to the list of major global fintech markets. The region's ability to innovate and adapt quickly has influenced the global fintech landscape. A recent KPMG report found that, while global fintech investment dropped by 30%...

Fintech innovation and startups

Looking for digital footprint: How alternative data is becoming a new goldmine

01 Dec 2022

Interest in collecting digital footprints is growing exponentially across industries and businesses. 97% of Fortune 1,000 companies will invest in data initiatives in 2022, and 91% - in AI activities, according to the Wavestone Company report. Globally, buy-side firms have spent $1.71bn on alternative data during 2021. And the number of alt-data p...