OK Glass, send money

Google is to integrate its Wallet application with Google Glass, enabling users to transfer money to friends with a single voice command and a couple of hand gestures.

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OK Glass, send money


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Citing a source close to the company, TechCrunch reports that Google is currently testing a way for Glass users to send money to their friends through Wallet by simply using their voices to ask Glass to "send money".

The company is reportedly testing the service internally, with plans to roll it out to all users "in the near future".

Reports TecCrunch: "Imagine you're at a restaurant and you want to send your share of the bill to a friend. You simply ask Glass to "send money," swipe through the interface a few times and you're done."

For the privilege, Google will take a 2.9% cut of the transaction, or 30 cents - whichever is higher.

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Comments: (1)

A Finextra member 

The example assumes that one would be at a table in a restaurant amongst friends/colleagues AND wearing Google Glass. As cool as the functionality is, I just don't see many people living this use case in real-life.

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