Bank of America suffers downtime blues

Bank of America suffered the most online downtime among leading US banks recently, according to data gathered by Swedish Web monitoring firm Pingdom.

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Bank of America suffers downtime blues


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During September and October, BofA's Website was unavailable for a total of more than two days and three hours, says Pingdom, almost twice as much as the next nearest bank.

The firm says the bank was hard hit by several periods of extended downtime during the monitoring period, the longest lasting close to ten hours.

The new is an embarrassment to the giant east coast bank, which makes great play of its online banking prowess in wooing new customers. In April, the bank reported that it has around 15 million Web banking customers, which amounts to more than a third of the entire online banking market in the US.

At the other end of the spectrum, most bank Websites had very little and in some cases no downtime. Comerica, KeyBank, Wachovia Bank, M&I Bank, National City Bank and Washington Mutual Bank stood out with 100% uptime during the measured time period.

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