Bank of America

425 results about this entity

Period: 13 Jul 2004 - 19 Mar 2025


Bakkt sees shares plunge as crypto firm loses major customers

Shares in digital asset player Bakkt tumbled by more than a third on news that the firm has lost two major customers, Bank pf America and Webull.


BofA CEO says bank prepared to launch own stablecoin

Bank of America will look to launch its own dollar-backed stablecoin if US lawmakers make it legal to do so, says CEO Brian Moynihan.


BNY sends largest instant payment in US history

BNY has used The Clearing House's RTP Network to send the largest instant payment in US history, transferring $10 million to Bank of America on behalf of a client.


OCC hits Bank of America with cease and desist order over sanctions screening violations

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued a cease-and-desist order (order) against Bank of America, N.A. (bank) for deficiencies related to its Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and sanctions compliance programs.


US banks leave Net-Zero Banking Alliance

As Donald Trump returns to the White House, JPMorgan Chase has followed a host of other US banks in quitting the Net-Zero Banking Alliance.


CFPB sues JPMorgan, BofA and Wells Fargo over Zelle fraud

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, accusing them of allowing fraud to "fester" on P2P payments platform Zelle.


BofA's CashPro app on track for $1 trillion in annual payment approvals

By the end of 2024, Bank of America corporate clients will have made over $1 Trillion in payment approvals on the bank’s CashPro App, the mobile application that companies use to manage their treasury operations.


BofA rolls out Paze online checkout option to cardholders

In time for the holiday season, all eligible Bank of America credit and debit cards are now enabled with PazeSM, a fast and streamlined online checkout solution.


BofA sees 51% increase in companies using APIs for real-time treasury needs

The demand for real time data and transaction processing is driving a record number of Bank of America business clients to adopt Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).


AI patents at BofA increase 94% since 2022

Bank of America's artificial intelligence push has led to a 94% increase in AI and machine learning granted and pending patent applications since 2022.


BofA sees 51% increase in firms using APIs for real-time treasury needs

The demand for real time data and transaction processing is driving a record number of Bank of America business clients to adopt Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).


BofA launches account to help parents teach kids money lessons

Bank of America has launched an account designed to help parents teach their children how to manage money.