Credit Lyonnais re-engineers payments processing with Pegasystems

Credit Lyonnais re-engineers payments processing with Pegasystems

Credit Lyonnais has migrated to Pegasystems' PegaIntegrated Investigations product, a Web-based application for tracking claims related to payments transactions.

A Pegasystems' customer since 1998, the French bank upgraded to the new platform as part of a complete re-engineering of its back office payments operations.

"Having identified customer service as a top priority for the bank, we have restructured the organisation to become more customer-facing, and have retrained our personnel to offer a superior level of service," says Huguette Murat, head of customer service, Credit Lyonnais. "Pegasystems' software enabled our staff to resolve payment exceptions much more quickly and access the information they need to respond to customer inquiries immediately."

The new software provides a single portal to access and process requests across multiple channels and lines of business with a full audit history. Real-time access to Swift and payment transaction data enables the user to see a holistic view of the claim presented via a graphical user interface, says the vendor. Pre-formatted outbound responses are generated automatically.

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