The long read
How can employers encourage employees to return to the office?

How can employers encourage employees to return to the office?

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
21 Apr 2023

What started as a temporary measure to deal with the outbreak of the coronavirus has evolved to a ne...

5 ways ChatGPT can boost your job search

5 ways ChatGPT can boost your job search

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
17 Mar 2023

There is no ignoring the headlines surrounding mass layoffs across the tech sector. With so much fr...

How can remote workers get their time back?

How can remote workers get their time back?

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
10 Mar 2023

Three years since the start of the pandemic, it is safe to deduce that remote work has become the ne...

Can AI deliver the future of wellness at work?

Can AI deliver the future of wellness at work?

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
03 Feb 2023

Could robots replace the human race? Could machines stage a mass revolt and take over the planet? Th...

Will your employer step up with a pay raise this year?

Will your employer step up with a pay raise this year?

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
20 Jan 2023

Whether you are buying food or filling your car with fuel, your salary is not stretching as far as i...

Is Slack-splaining eating into your work day?

Is Slack-splaining eating into your work day?

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
18 Nov 2022

‘Wow!!! Thank you SO much. LOL…’ What do these three phrases have in common? They are all part of th...

Being 1% happier at work could boost the economy by £24 billion

Being 1% happier at work could boost the economy by £24 billion

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
11 Nov 2022

Can happiness really be quantified? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’ according to research conducted...

Rejected for a job? You should consider reapplying

Rejected for a job? You should consider reapplying

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
04 Nov 2022

Rejection is never easy, especially when it comes to your career. But a rejection letter doesn’t hav...

These perks can add to your salary

These perks can add to your salary

Aoibhinn Mc Bride
21 Oct 2022

In the post-pandemic world, perks like on-site meals and snacks, massages, and being able to conduct...