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1148 Results from 2018

Darrell Rials

Darrell Rials Principal Consultant at Capco

Microservices: Why do they merit big attention?

The unrivalled agility and scalability offered by microservices enable change-ready growth for firms Business does not stand still. So, business software development can never rest. As the commercial landscape shifts, the needs for businesses to adapt, evolve, identify and exploit opportunity shift too. Demands for scalability and agility in multi...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cooking the Bookings? How Airbnb Became Entangled in a Transaction Laundering Scandal

In 2008, Airbnb entered the international hospitality scene and, in no time, changed the shape of the industry – offering a non-traditional, traveler-friendly alternative to hotels and lodging, both short-and long-term rental options of people’s apartments and homes with reasonable rates and a variety of amenities. In March 2017, the company close...

/payments /regulation

Nick Mothershaw

Nick Mothershaw Chief Identity Strategist at Open Identity Exchange (OIX)

Identity, trust and value. How an unbalanced investment in trust can be a detriment to you.

We can see in our research that most businesses are investing heavily in data and analytics to better understand their customers. This is great. The objective is to increase new customers and improve acquisition and onboarding rates. But, the same level of investment isn’t being put into data and analytics to fight fraud, or identify people. The r...

/security /payments Personal Finance

John Findlay

John Findlay Co-Founder at Launchfire

You Need Empathy To Drive Digital Adoption

Digital adoption is usually looked at from a technological standpoint. What kind of tech can we build to make it more convenient to bank? What can we make easier, quicker, more cost effective? But the danger of this perspective is that we lose sight of who we’re making the tech for — the customer. Because the benefits of digital banking tech seem s...

Innovation in Financial Services

Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Carlo R.W. De Meijer Owner and Economist at MIFSA

Ripple is making blockchain waves

Almost a year ago I wrote my blog “Blockchain and the Ripple effect: did it Ripple?”. Now twelve months later we may conclude it did. And even more than that. Ripple is making many waves. A lot happened both in broadening their offerings and in enlarging their network. A growing number of banks and payment providers, increasingly join RippleNet, ...

Retired Member

Retired Member 


In 2008 the hubris of the financial sector that we serve finally caught up with itself. Mountains of consumer debt that had been packaged, re-sold and deferred turned out to be unserviceable and the whole edifice came tumbling down. Now commentators are asking whether any lessons have really been learned as consumer debt in some western economie...

/retail Operational Risk Management

Jeremy Light

Jeremy Light Co-founder at Fourdotzero

Payment Trends for 2018 Part 2 - Growing Trends

My blog last week covered New Payment Trends that I expect to become established this year. This week I focus on Growing Payment trends, those that are already evident and likely to strengthen in 2018. Growing Trends Propositions using PSD2-compliant APIs will appear gradually. Expect bank and Fintech applications such as account aggregation and p...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The art of interpretation: Regtech and intrinsic complexity

The statistics are dizzying: around 170 jurisdictions, 750 regulators, millions of pages of rules and regulations, one revised every seven seconds. It is no wonder that those charged with keeping their financial institution on the regulatory rails do not always sleep easily at night. How is Regtech, a convenient shorthand for Regulatory Technology...

/regulation Fintech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

SFTR: The need for accelerated change

Over recent months as some large regulatory deadlines have been met, one of the ‘long grass’ regulations has come into sharper focus given the intensive efforts that will be required to meet the deadline for compliance; ESMA’s Securities Finance Transaction Reporting (SFTR). The securities financing world is no stranger to directive and regulatory...


Priya Lakshmi

Priya Lakshmi Digital Leader at Own

Un-’block’ your business 1.0: Which blockchain initiatives are taking off first and why?

I was recently asked out to fill out a questionnaire on blockchain trends and one of the question was to rank the top 3 reasons / challenges we are seeing to blockchain adoption in mainstream and the options for answer were the usual – budgets, management sponsorship, technology , culture and the like. While these are challenges we see with adopti...

Innovation in Financial Services

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