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1068 Results from 2020

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Multiple Protocols Boost Liquidity in E-Trading of U.S. Treasury Bonds

With so many traders working from home, the pandemic is said to have accelerated the shift to electronic trading in U.S. Treasury bonds. Now industry leaders are debating the future of trading protocols in the world’s largest and most liquid market. On a recent industry webinar, bond experts said that supporting multiple trading protocols is key t...

/regulation /markets Capital Markets Technology

Yaroslav Kuflinski

Yaroslav Kuflinski AI/ML Observer at Iflexion

How Is IPA Transforming Banking?

Conventionally, banks and other financial institutions start their automation journeys with robotic process automation. While certainly beneficial, RPA has proven to be limited in its automation capacity. Essentially, RPA is only applicable to tasks that don’t require any cognitive input. Intelligent process automation, on the other hand, is capa...

/payments /regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basics of digital onboarding: what are the consequences of bad customer onboarding?

A business which asks for too much information or is confusing about their data needs will simply alienate the customer. Customer onboarding has always been important, but in the new digital world, where most things can be found, bought and sold with the touch of a button, customer expectations and demands have increased. So what happens if there i...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Darragh Pelly

Darragh Pelly COO at Reitigh Software

How financial services companies can become change makers

Change is the only constant in the financial services sector. This has long been the case; however, the coronavirus crisis has put it on a level like nothing else we have ever seen before. The implications of the pandemic have been far reaching. Falling credit ratings reduced the world of investment grade bonds, face-to-face selling became imposs...

/regulation /cloud Financial Services Regulation

François Lacas

François Lacas Deputy COO at Yooz UK

Has Covid-19 helped digitise finance departments?

From all the negativity 2020 has brought with it for finance departments, one silver lining could be the rapid and immediate digitalisation of financial functions, argues Magali Michel, Director at Yooz. The issue of paper statements and invoices stuffed into cardboard boxes in the corner of the office has dogged traditional, or old-fashioned, fina...

/payments Financial Transformation

Joaquin De Valenzuela Muley

Joaquin De Valenzuela Muley SVP & Global Infinity Business Line Director at Temenos

Catalyst for change - How covid is driving banks to improve customer experience

As covid-19 accelerates the take-up of digital banking services, banks have a unique opportunity to address two of the biggest problems facing the sector: customer satisfaction and trust. When the coronavirus struck, banks reacted like every other sector, by focusing on business continuity. They had to keep their infrastructure going and sustain t...

/retail /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Using AI to transform the customer experience in banking

In my last blog, I shared some thoughts on how different forms of AI could help transform financial services, along with some challenges that needed to be overcome to ensure successful enterprise wide adoption. As promised, this blog will focus on how AI can help improve the customer experience in banking; both directly, and more so indirectly be...

/retail /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Basics of digital onboarding: why you need to know who your customer is

“The human face is, after all, nothing more nor less than a mask.” Dame Agatha Christie, the famous murder-mystery writer, once said. Our face is just a mask in an ocean of masks, and it only shows what we want to show, not who we really are or how we feel. While this quote refers to the process of how we tend to hide our true emotions, it could al...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to Simplify New Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Rules

The United States has stepped up its anti-money-laundering practices after taking some heat. In the Financial Action Task Force's 2016 mutual evaluation, the group found: Lack of timely access to adequate, accurate and current beneficial ownership (BO) information remained one of the fundamental gaps in the US. [1] As a result, the United States re...

/regulation /crime Financial Services Regulation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

New horizons: Credit risk data in 2021

Nick Frazer | December 2020 Changing data usage and significantly increased portfolio risk posed great challenges for risk and procurement professionals during 2020. Now, as businesses reopen and we move into 2021, we will start to see credit providers shifting gears from firefighting to addressing the aftermath of COVID-19. 2021 is expected to se...

/retail /predictions Financial Risk Management

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