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1147 Results from 2019

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Why Fintech Mobile Apps Are Role Models for Any Industry

The appetite for fintech apps is steadily growing. Over the past decade, banking applications have ceased to be an exclusive domain of the young and the tech-savvy and have earned their place in every generation’s financial management routine. Now it’s safe to say that in many respects fintech mobile apps have taken over many activities formerly p...

Hakan Eroglu

Hakan Eroglu Advisor at BIS Innovation Hub (all opinions are my own)

The Brazilian way of Open Banking regulation

Open Banking is unstoppable and is being discussed in almost every corner of the world – be it to increase competition, reduce cost, foster innovation or financial inclusion. In Open Banking, banks are opening up customer financial data and banking services to Third Party Providers (TPP) via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). For sure not ...

Open Banking

Ron Cogburn

Ron Cogburn CEO at Exela Technologies

How To Coordinate A Global Tech Team

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell This is a reprint from my recent article for Forbes Tech Council Every software platform, piece of hardware and back-end system developed at my company has required coordination between tech development groups spread across the world. Our primary hubs are lo...

/sustainable Fintech

David Villaseca

David Villaseca Global Head of CX, Marketing & Sales at Oracle Financial Services Group

Connecting with Millennials & GenZ candidates in Financial Services: Intelligent talent acquisit

Millennials and Generation Z already represents 49,7% of U.S. population, which is a challenge for the ability to recruit, hire and train a diverse workforce for banks and insurance firms. Millennials & Gen Z in a transforming Financial Services industry Banks and insurance firms are fighting the war for talent - and nearly all major banks are

/ai Digital Sales

Debbie Green

Debbie Green VP of Applications at Oracle

2020 predictions: the new era of spending for the CFO

In the last 12 months, CFOs, particularly in the UK, have been forced to count the pennies when it comes to budgeting in an era of political and economic uncertainty. As we move into 2020 we expect, or at least hope, that we will have more clarity. With this comes spending – CFOs will look to spend funds they have been holding back over the previou...

/cloud Finance 2.0

Keith Stonell

Keith Stonell Managing Director, EMEA at Guidewire

Does Lloyd’s Have the Insurtech Blueprint for the Future?

In September 2019, the world’s oldest insurance marketplace made yet another announcement about how it would transform itself for the future. The announcement of the Lloyd’s Blueprint One had been well signalled when Lloyd’s announced the Future of Lloyd’s Prospectus back in May. This was followed by a consultation exercise that wrapped up in July...

/markets Fintech

Simon Hawtin

Simon Hawtin Marketing Director at ezbob

Building the case for biometrics in lending

The term may still sound rather futuristic, but biometrics – the study of distinctive and measurable characteristics to label an individual – is already reshaping our world. These characteristics, known as biometric identifiers, range from fingerprints and veins through to iris, retina and voice. It just has to be something unique to the individua...

/security Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Crypto Data From Asia -- OECD Report Signals Expanding Regulatory Perimeter

This morning, while evaluating official activity over the last 24 hours globally regarding cryptocurrency and FinTech regulation, this speech in Malaysia caught our attention. The speech highlighted impressively high crypto usage data. The data was eye-popping enough to justify delving into the 60+ page report released by the OECD today. Back...

/regulation /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Hamza Khan

Hamza Khan Founder and CEO at Suburbia

The race for alternative data

'Data is the new oil.’ It’s a dramatic statement – and certainly a contentious one. Just as one publication makes the case for it, another rubbishes the concept. The first argument points out that data is becoming the world’s most valuable resource; the second, that the analogy is lazy and rapidly collapses, whether because data is infinite or bec...

/security Fintech innovation and startups

Ivy Schmerken

Ivy Schmerken Editorial Director at FlexTrade Systems

Revised SEC Rule 606 Shines the Light on Order Routing Disclosures

Change is brewing in the way that sell-side order routing data is reported to institutional customers. Broker-dealers will begin collecting vast amounts of data on January 1st for compliance with the revised SEC Rule 606 next year, shining the light on where brokers route U.S. equity orders in today’s highly automated, dispersed and complex nation...

/regulation Capital Markets Technology

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