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Sam Goffman

What is the ERC-20 standard? ERC-20 Ethereum tokens

The ERC-20 token is developed on the basis of Ethereum. The platform consists of a blockchain that stores transactions, and a virtual machine that encodes smart contracts that guarantee their executio...

07 Sep 2018
Robert Siciliano

2017 Was the Worst year for Data Breaches EVER!

It seems like 2017 broke records for all the wrong reasons…one of them being the worst year for data breaches in history. According to reports, hacking was the most common way to collect this data, b...

07 Sep 2018
Breana Patel

How to improve company culture with Conduct Risk Framework?

Most industries have undergone regulatory overhauls over the past century; by my observation, none have done so more rigorously than the financial industry, which sometimes falls short of optimum self...

06 Sep 2018
Financial Risk Management
A Finextra Member

Love Your Monolith, For Now

In today’s fintech-frenzied atmosphere it’s easy to understand why there’s so much buzz about APIs and microservices. While breaking the monolith is certainly an exciting prospect, for many financial...

06 Sep 2018
A Finextra Member

The Butterfly Effect

We are currently doing some domain driven design to understand our primary business domains and identify the appropriate core APIs required. This is an exciting yet daunting time - some domains look

06 Sep 2018
Banking Architecture
Carlo R.W. De Meijer

Blockchain World Wire: should Ripple worry?

“Out of the Blue”, and “quite in the shadow”, IBM recently introduced a new product called Blockchain World Wire. A cross-border payments system for financial institutions based on blockchain technolo...

06 Sep 2018
Blockchain Observations
A Finextra Member

Regtech enhanced version of Fintech !!!

Regtech” is defined as addressing regulatory requirement through technology to ensure regulatory compliance are met by Bank, Financial Institutions, Insurance companies, Central Banks and other market...

06 Sep 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
A Finextra Member

Li Qi Experiences Turbulence After Life At Alibaba

The phenomenal growth of Alibaba has made many of its executives very rich but life outside the online retailer can be challenging - as former chief operating officer Li Qi has discovered. Li Qi joine...

05 Sep 2018
A Finextra Member

Decentralised does not equal better

Would you fly on a plane guided by a decentralised air traffic control system, even if the price was cheaper?.. Decentralisation is a term often thrown around when someone talks about blockchain and c...

05 Sep 2018
Blockchain Observations
Enrico Camerinelli

Trustless Blockchains Are Yet to Come

Blockchain technology is finding barriers to acceptance among global corporate institutions. Lack of trust among users represents one of the biggest hurdles to full acceptance. So what? The real probl...

04 Sep 2018
Blockchain Observations
Peter Heywood

BEWARE the snake oil: dispelling myths about AI today

‘Artificial intelligence’ (AI) and ‘machine learning’ are sneaking into every part of our daily lives. How do we tell the realizable use cases available now from what’s projected? In 1850, Michael Far...

04 Sep 2018
Digital Banking Trends
Alexander Dunaev

Biometrics will eliminate friction in financial services

Biometrics boom No longer the preserve of the military and secret service, biometrics is one of the hottest and fastest growing sectors in the world. With the technology used across a variety of secto...

04 Sep 2018

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