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Jason Bell

The importance of harnessing FinTech thinking

FS&I: The new order The financial services ecosystem is transforming. While no organisation would deny the pressing need for digital transformation, I'm referring here to anther kind of change; th...

27 Sep 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Robert Siciliano

2017 Was the Worst Year for Identity Theft EVER!

Javelin Strategy & Research recently released its Identity Fraud Study, and it revealed that the number of identity theft victims rose by 8% in 2017 when compared to 2016. That’s almost 17 million...

27 Sep 2018
Anjani Kumar

AI and ML in Financial Services Compliance Management: Use Cases for FIs

“Nobody phrases it this way, but I think that artificial intelligence is almost a humanities discipline. It's really an attempt to understand human intelligence and human cognition.” — Sebastian Thrun...

27 Sep 2018
Mark Goldspink

Zero Ambiguity Fraud Management

I continue to be surprised by the lack of analysis and focus on operational efficiency when it comes to understanding all aspects of fraud prevention. Organisations spend a lot of time on improvements...

27 Sep 2018
Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
A Finextra Member

4 fintech startups changing the way people donate to charity

Over the decade since the global financial crash, charities have had a tough time securing donations. Cultural shifts mean that trust in institutions has plummeted and people are less willing to indul...

27 Sep 2018
Fintech innovation and startups
Fabio Urso

GDPR and Onboarding

Conforming to GDPR across the Customer Lifecycle One of the most talked about regulations in recent years has been GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This EU law was adopted in April 2016 and ...

27 Sep 2018
Financial Services Regulation
A Finextra Member

Siri and Alexa: driving change in corporate banking

Just as people have quickly adjusted to using digital assistants such as Alexa, Siri or Cortana to check the weather, book a cab or reserve cinema tickets, it’s a logical next step for banks to launch...

26 Sep 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Crystal Berry

Are You Leveraging the Right Data?

New data sets are paraded before the lending market constantly, each promising to provide all the information needed to understand customers inside and out. The individual value of these data types

26 Sep 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Mark Goldspink

Zero Ambiguity Fraud Management

How to select the correct operational option to help your organisation beat fraud By Dr. Mark Goldspink is CEO of The ai Corporation I continue to be surprised by the lack of analysis and focus on op...

26 Sep 2018
Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis
A Finextra Member

6 Pieces of Advice for Implementing Global Client Lifecycle Management

Implementing a Client Lifecycle Management program is strategically important. However, it is one that spans many different stakeholders across the business, bringing with it many obstacles and challe...

26 Sep 2018
Banking Regulations
A Finextra Member

Anticipating consumer needs: The power of data

The relationship between the bank branch and its customers has changed beyond recognition over the years – gone are the days where the branch was king, bankers knew their customers on a personal level...

26 Sep 2018
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Breana Patel

What are the top risks in Organizational Restructuring?

The Top Risks in Restructuring With great organizational change comes great responsibility. Therefore, in order to create a sustainable growth, companies must learn strategies on how to manage the r...

25 Sep 2018
Financial Risk Management

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