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Anna Kuzmina

Kenya Case Study Part II: M-PESA vs The Market

So about competition with the star of our previous article — M-PESA. There should be some, right? Safaricom is by far the largest mobile operator in Kenya, with even calls by other operators to decla...

22 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Robots and Roti What can banks learn from a good curry

Those that know me personally know that I love technology, especially where it improves our lives. My most recent acquisition is a robotic roti maker, and having used it I’m sharing what I learnt an

22 Oct 2018
Bob Lyddon

Bank of England, the main roadblock to opening up UK payments

We learned on Thursday 18th October 2018, at the launch event of, that any renewal of the UK's retail payments infrastructure will have to wait until after the renewal of the Bank of England's ...

21 Oct 2018
Transaction Banking
A Finextra Member

PSD2 - A New Open Banking Payment Ecosystem

Revise Payment Service Directive (PSD2) is a new regulation provided by EU Directive, administered by the European Commission (Directorate General Internal Market) to regulate payment services and pay...

21 Oct 2018
Banking Regulations
A Finextra Member

How to Ensure the Success of Your Startup by Improving Your Product-Market Fit

Many startups fail not because they are working on their product wrong, but simply because they fail to identify the current needs of the market, and bring out a product that nobody has even asked for...

20 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Yet Another Core Banking Proposal

I'm seeing a steady stream of requests for proposals from well-established retail financial services companies looking to replace their core banking platform; front to back - channel to core back end....

19 Oct 2018
A Finextra Member

Mutual Funds - Being Risk Averse

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing – Warren Buffet Traditionally, we have seen people investing mostly in FDs and other lumpsum conservative instruments. Now a days, we do realize that this...

19 Oct 2018
Personal Finance
Robert Siciliano

Does Your Mobile Have Spyware on It?

You have a mobile phone, you might think it’s pretty safe, but what you might not realize is that these devices can have spyware on them. Keep in mind, many of the “signs” listed below are everyday no...

19 Oct 2018
Anna Kuzmina

Kenya Case Study Part I: M-PESA story

“M-PESA”: that is a name in global fintech history that can never be erased. Not that anybody would want to. Forever it will be the perfect example of a viable financial ecosystem based on rules unth

19 Oct 2018
David Creer

Blockchain: Can it handle real-world trading volumes?

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) has received significant attention in recent years and is viewed by many as a technology solution that can reduce operational costs and inefficiency across the capi...

19 Oct 2018
Capital Markets Technology
Shailendra Malik

What makes a Bank's Lifestyle App tick?

I have written before about Lifestyle apps and their use by banks, but I get a lot of questions about what are the best strategies to embed the collaboration of two different organizations on lifestyl...

18 Oct 2018
Digital Banking Trends
Breana Patel

Crypto Firms Excel in Technical Expertise But Have Little Understanding of Risk

Crypto Firms have great technologies that address a lot of challenges and open up an entire new world of doing business. In conversation with CoinFi's CEO Timothy Tan about how regulations and risk ma...

18 Oct 2018
Digital Asset Class (DAC)

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