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20137 Results from 2015

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

The Generative Generation - AI, chatbots and financial compliance

In March 2023, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler described Artificial Intelligence as “the most transformative technology of our time, on par with the internet and mass production of automobiles". When any groundbreaking tool arrives, a period of adaptation is required. This is more pronounced for regulators, who need to quickly assimilate enough inf...

/ai /regulation RegTech

Jamel Derdour

Jamel Derdour CMO at Transact365 / Nucleus365

UK Payments in the Digital Age: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects

The United Kingdom is at the forefront of a payments revolution, transitioning rapidly from traditional cash transactions to digital and contactless payments. This shift is driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviours, and strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing financial inclusivity and efficiency. This article explores the...

/payments /markets The Payments Business

Guy Melamed

Guy Melamed CEO at Exberry

Bridging the Gap: Aligning Exchange Technology with C-Suite Vision

The financial industry is at a critical juncture. Exchanges worldwide are exploring future technological landscapes, grappling with frustrations and pain points in current systems. They're considering market evolution from multiple perspectives - business, regulatory and technological. We're witnessing a convergence of executive and technological ...

/markets Capital Markets Technology

Nick Stephens

Nick Stephens Commercial Lead & Head Of Enterprise Partnership at Amdaris

Why holding onto legacy systems can leave you with ‘technical debt’

When businesses are looking to optimise resources and cut costs, investing in new technology or upgrading their systems can seem like an expense that isn’t worth the risk. But even though a company may think it is saving money by not investing in new tools, upgrades, and digital transformation projects, the ‘technical debt’ it will accrue from hold...

/people Business

Erica Andersen

Erica Andersen Marketing at smartR AI

Decoding AI Adoption: 6 Key Rules to Separate Authentic Innovation from the Hype

AI has become the hottest buzzword of the decade, with chatGPT—last year alone growing to 100,000,000 users within three months—the fastest growth in a new product ever. Since then, everyone, from startups to old-line businesses, has rushed to claim they are doing it. It’s no wonder, as McKinsey’s report, “Mind the Gap: AI Leaders Pulling Ahead” ...

/ai Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Taras Boyko

Taras Boyko Founder at BankBee

BNPL trends: Live Now, Pay Later

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) is an emerging trend that has rapidly gained traction. It allows consumers to purchase goods and services immediately while deferring the payment over a series of instalments, often without interest or fees if payments are made on time. Source: by panuwat The growth trajectory of BNPL services is remark...

/payments /inclusion BNPL

Ben Goldin

Ben Goldin Founder and CEO at Plumery

Mind the Gap: Expectations vs. Reality in Modern SME Banking

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are undeniably a cornerstone of global economic growth and innovation. The International Labour Organization recently reported that in most OECD countries, SMEs contribute more than 50% of GDP, with some global estimates placing this figure as high as 70%. Despite their significant economic role, SMEs cont...

/retail /inclusion Banking

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

How to prevent AI induced hallucinations

In the financial services sector the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) promises to, and in many cases already is, driving real-time business success. From enhancing data-driven insight and productivity, to improving fraud detection and customer experience. However, in the rush to adopt AI many haven’t taken into consideration ho...

/ai /retail Artificial Intelligence

Andrei Scutari

Andrei Scutari Open Banking Head of Sales at Salt Edge

Assessing opportunities and getting ready for PSD3, PSR, and FiDA

In June 2023, The European Commission announced its proposals on regulations governing the payment services industry within the union. The much-anticipated third Payment Services Directive (PSD3) represents the completion of the Commission's review of the second Payment Service Directive, released nine years ago and is slated for release in the f...

/payments /regulation Banking

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

From Penalties to Best Practices: The True Cost of Compliance

Over the past two decades, the banking industry has faced staggering penalties for non-compliance, totaling an astonishing $387,559,149,283 (source: Violation Tracker). This colossal sum underscores a pressing issue: despite numerous efforts, the financial sector continues to grapple with compliance, with no signs of the penalties decreasing. Ever...

/regulation /crime RegTech

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