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A Finextra Member

8 Ways To Recognize Small Accomplishments

To ensure your employees succeed, I suggest the following plan for recognizing and rewarding small accomplishments: Publicly Recognize Your Hard-Working Employees Perception and optics matter. Recog...

08 Nov 2018
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
A Finextra Member

Beyond the obvious choice

Many trading firms are looking towards multi-entity setups to prepare for Brexit. The larger firms tend to have subsidiaries or branches in place, so they already have a flexible hedge against any Bre...

08 Nov 2018
A Finextra Member

Understanding Bank Account Number Portability - PSD2

Account Number portability (ANP) is set to be a game-changing year for retail banking in EU. As the PSD2 (Revised Directive on Payment Services Directive) becomes implemented, Customer are provided wi...

08 Nov 2018
Disruption in Retail Banking
Anna Kuzmina

Polish love their banks

from Warsaw Warsaw is grey this time of the year, calm and a bit nostalgic. I always liked Polish banks, their stylish design and hands-on approach. Among EU banks — Polish are my personal favourite. ...

08 Nov 2018
Henri Wajsblat

Demystifying banking stress tests

Henri Wajsblat, Anaplan’s Head of Financial Services Solutions, interviewed Chappuis Halder Director Vincent Wiencek about implementation challenges of banking stress tests, and what banks should expe...

08 Nov 2018
Financial Services Regulation
Keith Stonell

Amazon is going to eat your lunch! But Insurers can fight back

This summer’s silly season for news stories ended early for the insurance industry with new rumours of Amazon making plans to disrupt the sector. Well sourced reports in titles like Reuters and Insu...

08 Nov 2018
Digital Insurance Trends
Matthew Phillips

Gambling on a new trend: what financial institutions are doing to impress their customers

The question of whether financial institutions (FIs) should be required by law to do more to protect their customers’ interests has been debated for several years, with many suggesting that regulation...

08 Nov 2018
A Finextra Member

The FSI Forecast is Cloudy with a chance of Transformation

Sibos 2018 saw representatives of the main cloud players in financial services with AWS, Google Cloud, IBM and Microsoft Azure filling seats on panels and providing a cloud technology perspective on

08 Nov 2018
Rik Coeckelbergs

The war on cash in Belgium and The Netherlands: a state of play on contactless mobile payments

The last few weeks we, payments experts, were excited with news from banks and their contactless innovations, in an urge to promote electronic payments: on October 16, KBC Bank announced its sup

08 Nov 2018
Innovation in Financial Services
A Finextra Member

Examining Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement Across Europe

Since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008, financial institutions have had to deal with a series of regulations to increase transparency. The objective? Creating a safer, more robust and mor...

07 Nov 2018
Banking Regulations
Ketharaman Swaminathan

How To Make Your Product 10X Better

This is a slightly edited version of my answer to the following Quora question: Usually, there are many apps in the market, the developer remains blissfully unaware of them, develops a similar app w...

07 Nov 2018
Andrew Beatty

5 Reasons Why Direct Banking Is the Next Big Thing

The concept of Direct Banking – an online and mobile only bank – delivers serious bottom-line benefits, for those with a well-defined strategy. Direct banks have become a popular means of driving depo...

07 Nov 2018
Digital Banking Trends

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