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1270 Results from 2013

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Losing a Mobile Phone Does Not Have To Stink

We’ve all been there. You search your pockets, your belt clip, jacket pockets, every draw, cabinet, bag, couch, and floor, every crevice of your car and dog house. You wonder if you left it in the bar last night or over your friend’s house. You’d text all your buddies to see if they have it but, well, you can’t. It’s that horrible feeling that co...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Automated Dispute Resolution Workflow

Why Dispute Management Remains a Challenge?... I have visited numerous credit and collections departments over the years and managing disputes still remains a time consuming challenge for many of them. There are several reasons for this, but all are related to the complexity of commercial trading relationships which typically involve multiple poin...

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,


We keep hearing from enraged enterprises that some e-invoicing service providers still continue with their old 3-corner strategy > signing up big invoice reveivers and trying to force suppliers to sign up with this particular service provider. Especially angry comments come from those who already have a functioning relationship for their large v...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Give citizens a choice - and this is what they choose

Strong e-id is often needed when logging in also to non-banking services. Reusing bank e-id also there - especially in the public sector - is something of the most sensemaking aspects of also otherwise much needed public-private co-operation. 2011 was a great year for bank e-id (TUPAS) - the alternative (a state issued smartcard) is not used at al...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

David Bomser

David Bomser Head of U.S. Core Banking & Mortgage at SAP Fioneer

Real-Time Enabled Banking Transformation

Commercial Banks are at an important crossroads where tech savvy customers, outdated IT infrastructure, and strong regulatory headwinds are all coming together. Today’s personal and business customers demand and expect their banks to rapidly adopt and integrate the latest technologies to enable anytime access to their accounts and provide the sam...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Green with Pride - Not just a Mantra!

Going green makes money and also, makes you feel good! The depletion of non-renewable resources, a growing population and global warming all make a compelling case for going green. Though corporates generate positive vibes with an eco-friendly image, the greatest incentive to going green is a positive effect on the bottom line. Understanding that...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Understanding Health Care EFT Standards: Part III

Which Message Format to Use for Health Care EFT?… In Part I of my Understanding Healthcare EFT standards blog, I identified several major obstacles for health care providers to adopt EFT (electronic funds transfer) and ERA (electronic remittance advice). In Part II, I explored the differences between in-band versus out-of-band remittance delivery...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Retired Member

Retired Member 

About Your Profit and Loss Platform - finally, How?

Dear Bank IT Manager, More than one year ago, I started the blog “About your P&L Platform”. During this time I have tried to explain the Dos and Don’ts, structuring my thoughts in a Six-W analysis: Who: I highlighted the importance of knowing in advance who the users of our platform will be. What: I wrote about the need to dip into details to ...

Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

From increments to exponents: 13 banking trends for 2013

Even as the banking industry grapples with sweeping changes in policy, regulation and customer expectations, a 'big bang' transformation in strategy or host systems may not be on the cards this year. A peripheral, step-by-step, incremental agenda will be beneficial for banks in 2013. But don't be swayed by the word 'incremental'. Each of the trend...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fresh thoughts for 2013

First things first. Big THANK YOU to all of you who follow or occasionally read my blog here - you are the main reason my analysis of Google Wallet ended up becoming Finextra's most popular blog post in 2012. I'll do my best to offer more thought-provoking views in 2013. My first blog post this year was inspired by my trip to Singapore for the New ...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

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