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Fresh thoughts for 2013

First things first. Big THANK YOU to all of you who follow or occasionally read my blog here - you are the main reason my analysis of Google Wallet ended up becoming Finextra's most popular blog post in 2012. I'll do my best to offer more thought-provoking views in 2013.

My first blog post this year was inspired by my trip to Singapore for the New Year.

I believe that by the end of 2013:

I will be able to use my Barclaycard overseas not just on Day 1, but also on Day 2... Without having to jump through any hoops.

My bank will be able to remotely authenticate me for EVERY transaction, both in retail and online, in an elegant way.

We will see "the beginning of the end" of signature on cards, as well as of the mag stripe (sorry, USA, that doesn't concern you. Yet...)

I will be fully in charge of my credit card. (I had a terrible experience at Shangri-La, yet they were still able to charge what THEY wanted to MY card.) My bank will be protecting me, not some merchant.

I will be able to "roam globally at local tariffs."

Biometrics will be the hottest buzzword in payments, upstaging NFC.

POS will never be the same - it will be about "user experience" and "customer journey", not about a till and a terminal.

Happy New Year to all of you! (USA, that will concern you too, soon :)


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