1068 Results from 2020
Retired Member
Open Banking – Big Tech’s in Banking? Nothing new. There was a very strong article last week titled “Big Tech’s Invasion of Banking” which illustrates how Silicon Valley is waking up to the benefits of going after the financial sector. The one thing that creates risk is regulation and how to control their movements but the scariest thing by far is...
06 January 2020 /payments Open Banking
Monica Hovsepian Global Industry Strategist, Financial Services at Opentext
It’s that time again when we look ahead to the year to come. For 2020, we’re going to see financial services companies accentuate and accelerate the priorities of recent years. And we are going to witness the rise of Platformification as the way to achieve these long-standing goals. Financial Services and Insurance organizations will continue to s...
06 January 2020
Yousaf Hafeez . at .
I have now spent a good few years working with financial services firms and can confidently say that the perpetual change is the only constant in global capital markets – that, and the fact that it’s difficult to get bored! Looking ahead, after a thrilling 2019, 2020 promises to be another interesting year for capital markets participants. Here is...
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Most of us have no idea when a disaster is about to strike, and even if we do have a little warning, it’s very possible that things can go very wrong. This is where you can put a business continuity plan to good use. What does this do? It gives your business the best odds of success during any disaster. What Exactly is Business Continuity? Busines...
04 January 2020 /security
Geofencing marketing is a location based marketing approach in which companies uses GPS, Wif-Fi or cellular data to set-up a programmed system in which when a mobile device enters / exits a virtual boundary, a geofence is created around that location. Companies can use geofence to send display ads/offers and other push notifications to their cust...
03 January 2020 /markets Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems
The history of credit and lending to business customers dates right back to Mesopotamia when the very first payday loans were used by farmers and the code of Hammurabi defined how the interest charged on silver loans was to be regulated. In more recent times, technologies including online lending have been as transformative as those first laws stam...
02 January 2020 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Bhavesh Vaghela SVP B2B Product and Innovation at Collinson
There we have it folks, 2019 is behind us and 2020 has started. It seems like yesterday I was drafting my 2019 predictions! So how did I do? I got 3 out of 5, clearly don’t come to me for lottery numbers! In 2019 we saw big movements on the evolution of the ecosystem, the human touch and digital identity, The other 2 predictions SME gold rush and...
01 January 2020 /crime Digital Banking Trends
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
2019 was not - mildly speaking - the best of recent years. Global warming - also manifested by ongoing horrible fires in Australia - advanced, democracy was weakened in many western countries by irresponsible populists, the vision of a globally strong single market Europe took a setback with Brexit and Russian military agression and persecution of...
01 January 2020 /sustainable After hours
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