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1147 Results from 2019

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cheques Cost Money. Prepaid Saves Money. It's Time To Make The Switch.

With an annual decline in cheque use of 7 percent across the nation, Payments Canada predicts that, by 2020, virtually every business and government office in Canada will have switched from cheques to electronic payments, including prepaid. Companies can eliminate issuing costs, reduce time investment, cheque fraud, cashing costs and more by switc...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Is the future of banking distribution conversational ?

AI-enabled banking distribution models Whether through chatbots or voice assistants, bank customers are beginning to experience Banking AI and are responding favourably. Initially, the focus of these interfaces is similar to the task-oriented nature of channels that banks already provide. Though conversational interfaces have yet to attain the lev...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Conversational Banking Innovators and Challengers

Following on from my post on a conversational interface framework and the road to conversational interfaces, here's a quick overview of some of the innovators that have taken early advantage of conversational interfaces in banking. Note this isn't just about chatbots, but pretty much the full breadth of conversational interfaces. I tried to cover...


Urvish Macwan

Urvish Macwan Team Leader at Hyperlink Infosystem

How Technology Is Changing The Real Estate Sector

Industry 4.0 or digital transformation is a cultural change that our society is experiencing through the use of technology. This concept implies a new organization of the means of production that is completely revolutionizing the processes of the companies of the 21st century. The internet of things, robotics, virtual reality, artificial intellig...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The road to conversational banking

Banking Channels History Customer interaction and channels preferences have experienced significant changes over time and are constantly evolving and expanding across all industries, including banking. To consolidate customer satisfaction and cultivate customer advocacy, banks must endeavour to continue to meet these changing needs through use of ...


Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Cheques to be excluded from UK's New Payments Architecture

Once again cheques in the UK are facing their demise, this time as a consequence of their being excluded from the New Payments Architecture project, or "NPA". This time it will be a slow and lingering death over a 10-15 year period, as investment is channeled into other services and the cheque service withers on the vine. Ten years ago a ...

/payments Transaction Banking

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Addressing unmet banking needs

Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective On a wet Sunday afternoon, I finally got around to ‘sorting out’ the loft. In our home, the loft is a sanctuary for old memories, captured in the form of books, papers, photos and other personal items. As I rummaged through an assortment of boxes, I picked up an old bank passbook. The passboo...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Shailendra Malik

Shailendra Malik SVP - Tech Delivery (Data Platform) at DBS Bank

Innovation Enigma for Banks

Each use case that brings Machine learning in play, gets drenched in data. The industry is now waking up to the real challenge of deploying Machine Learning based models in traditional rule-based applications. Machine learning models are data guzzling engines whose accuracy and performance depends on the data quality and continuity. Imagine them a...

/ai Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Richard Miller

Richard Miller Product Owner at RegDefy (MV37)

KYC, GDPR and DLT pt2: Potential Solutions

In a previous article I looked at how Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) can be applied to the issue of making sure you understand who you are doing business with i.e. Know Your Customer (KYC). The opportunity here is to reimagine what is normally not a differentiating business process by mutualising your operations with your competitors. Unfortu...

/regulation Blockchain Observations

Bhavesh Vaghela

Bhavesh Vaghela SVP B2B Product and Innovation at Collinson

2019 Banking Predictions 6 mins read

I hope you all had a great festive period with loved ones and eased into the first month of 2019. Over Christmas I watched Back to the Future I, II, III with my kids (lets face it Christmas is not Christmas without Back to the Future). It got me thinking what would the almanac for 2019 read. So here is my 2019 almanac predictions.. 1. Evolution ...


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