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Recovering Bank Charges - 4

See also Recovering Bank Charges - 1 Recovering Bank Charges - 2Recovering Bank Charges - 3 The 40 days are up and I called the call centre and spoke to Gary. The bank have apparently been trying to contact me (how?) to tell me that although they have received my request, they haven't received my £10. Given that this is my bank, and nowadays has ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

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Happy birthday ZX Spectrum

Warning - content contains some nostalgia. Nice piece on the BBC about the ZX Spectrum, brainchild of Clive Sinclair which hit the shops in 1982. Must have been around that time that I splashed out on one from the co-op in Norwich - and then upgraded it with a kit to a heady 48k of memory. Then after three weeks of further tinkering with a solde...


Retired Member

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Dell users demand XP back

I see the BBC are reporting that after a campaign by customers - Dell is again offering Windows XP with new PCs as an alternative to Vista. Michael Silver, research vice president at Gartner said this is odd behaviour for consumers - who tend to opt for the latest versions of everything. But is it that odd? Perhaps it shows that consumers are g...

Retired Member

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Recovering Bank Charges - 3

See Recovering Bank Charges - 1 and Recovering Bank Charges - 2. Just an update I am afraid - no results, yet! I hadn't heard from the Alliance & Leicester so over the weekend I called their call centre for an update. 'We do have 40 days in which to respond you know Mr. Doyle', Anne in Ashford said; 'and it is only 35 days'. She was somewhat ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

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Paypal - a brief history from Chris

Superb piece of research from Chris, detailing Paypals history since inception in Dec 98, with statistics, and more importantly, why they were successful. "In fact, although many of us think PayPal displaces banks, it actually enhances banking services as demonstrated by the bank services behind PayPal. For example, PayPal runs through Wells F...

/payments /retail Trends in Financial Services

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The SWIFT Challenge

As any politician will tell you, the first 100 days for a new leader are crucial as your audience is receptive, forgiving and open to change; after this though the judgments start to be made and the cracks begin to appear. So what should Campos concentrate on in his first 100 days as the new CEO of SWIFT? What are the challenges the organizati...

/payments SWIFT Matters

Retired Member

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Why mobile banking is not Internet banking

The Internet changed banking forever. It is impossible to consider banking without the functionality, the ease of use and the availability that Internet banking brought to the majority of people WITH bank accounts. This was a silent revolution and became prevalent in only a few years. During the 1990's banks started offering rudimentary banking se...


Retired Member

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Blog now or you're fired

In an interesting twist of daftness it would appear blogging is to be made compulsory at Sony BMG, according to The Register. In the past, people have got in serious hot water after blogging and not quite following the company line, but it seems now that Sony folk in the "creative areas" will be expected to blog or be frowned upon. I wou...

Cringeworthy marketing gallery

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ABN Amro problem was predictable

I blogged here last August, that it was predicted Man in the Middle attacks would defeat tokens, and sure enough here we go. "The bank says that its customers opened an email attachment that resulted in a virus being executed on their machines. This virus changed their browsers' behaviour so when they went to open the real ABN Amro online ban...

/security Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

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Mintel need to do a better job

Chicago-based Mintel, a global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence, report a new study that suggests younger consumers are shunning online banking. Conveniently later in the press release, they point out that contactless credit cards will come to the rescue and save the day. My view: companies such as Mintel, particularly those...

/security Trends in Financial Services

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