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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Younger customers shunning Web banking

Around two thirds of younger consumers are shunning online banking services, according to a US study by Mintel, which found that 40% of these 18-34 year olds "don't trust transactions on the Internet"...

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Mintel need to do a better job

Chicago-based Mintel, a global supplier of consumer, product and media intelligence, report a new study that suggests younger consumers are shunning online banking.  Conveniently later in the press release, they point out that contactless credit cards will come to the rescue and save the day.

 My view:  companies such as Mintel, particularly those that lay claim to be "Global Supliers" need to provide accurate data, and in particular indicate who sought this data, in order that we can more meaningfuly assess the results.


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