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Insourcing v outsourcing - how can firms decide?

The issue of whether to outsource a transformation project or lean on in-house expertise is a question many Executives wrestle with. It may seem safer to keep control and offer personal development to in-house teams – after all they have the legacy system knowledge. But will playing it safe differentiate you from your competitors? True innovation ...

/retail Fintech innovation and startups

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All you need is love

It wasn't that long ago that large elements of society were confused and confounded by millennials, their focus on seeking adventure and experience, and penchant for avocado on toast. But the elders of that generation are now a long way away from that stereotype, marching into their 40’s with all the trappings of previous generations at that age; ...

/wealth /predictions Business

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Launching A GameFi Project? Here’s How Not To Go Belly Up

Almost every blockchain founder thinks that their project is the best in the market. You must have heard a startup team say something along the lines of, ‘We are the best because we are better’. This unfounded optimism about one’s product leads to sad results: in 90% (if not in 98%) of cases the project doesn’t just fail — it can’t even enter the ...

/startups /crypto DeFi

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TOP 5 risky assumptions to avoid when launching a cryptocurrency advertising campaign: expectations

It is difficult not to make the “survivorship bias” of relying solely on the inner voice during the project’s launch and development. This article will look at five projects where the intention did not match reality. Project №1: We understand our audience and are looking for experienced crypto-users who want to invest free funds in our unique produ...


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The key ingredients for excellent product management

At the heart of every business is a product. It might sometimes be positioned as a service, but even firms selling only consultancy time have a proposition that’s dressed up as a buyable, differentiated package. This makes product management a significant, strategic role in any organisation. And for software vendors that put products at the heart o...

/people /inclusion

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How Impact Entrepreneurship Will Facilitate The Recovery Of Ukrainian Businesses After War

The military conflict has dealt a blow to every sector of the Ukrainian economy, including entrepreneurship. And I could feel it in my own experience, watching Ukrainian businesses having to adapt to the new reality, shifting their directions and priorities. I will give you some insights into the impact entrepreneurship in Ukraine and the future i...

/people /sustainable Entrepreneur field

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Consumer Duty: the golden opportunity to make UK financial services work for immigrants?

A quiet revolution has been taking place at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It’s called Consumer Duty. In a campaign to become (in its own words) more ‘assertive and data-led’, the UK regulator has launched Consumer Duty - a set of rules and principles that 60,000 UK financial services companies will be required to follow to ‘fundamentally ...

/regulation /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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Making sense out of digital spaghetti

Traditional retail banking institutions are facing a major perception gap between the expectations of consumers and the perceived performance of their brand. This is the central finding of a new report from customer engagement specialist Braze. Similar concerns have been flagged up by consulting firm Capgemini which found that retail banks are cur...

/cloud /devops The digital Chasm

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What is the difference between fiat payment gateway and crypto payment gateway?

What happens in between when customers go to the payment page and when you receive the payment? How does the payment happen? You can thank payment gateways for this. Today, in addition to traditional fiat gateways, crypto payment processors are gaining popularity. We will discuss the differences these services have and the benefits of the crypto p...

/payments /crypto Business

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A Single Job Interview To Identify The Best Professionals

A startup’s long-term success depends on the professionalism and passion of its team. The more competent and engaged they are, the higher the chances for success. This is particularly relevant for projects that are new to the market and want to attract the best experts in the field quickly. How does one do that? Read on for the best tips from BDC ...


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