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John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Interchange Fees Update

Vendorcom, the think tank for the financial services vendor community, held an update for members to the Interchange Fees debate. Interchange is the charge levied by the card schemes on retailers to process card transactions. In some cases the charges may be waived by the card schemes, in others they may be lowered; they are a marketing tool as

/payments UK Faster Payments

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Payexpo Round-up

By John Doyle • June 25th 2013 The Payexpo conference and exhibition held last week at the Excel in London was a busy affair. Three main streams a non-stop exhibition and several side events meant that you had to study the agenda carefully in order to see what you wanted to see; little opportunity to attend less ‘on focus’ presentations to glean...

/payments UK Faster Payments

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

ATMIA 2013 Highlights!

As a rule the title of a conference gives you a good idea what the conference is about; not in this case, ATM turned out to be about Mobile Payments and a good thing too! There were a number of interesting speakers, enough to make me want to sign up to attend next year. The verwhelming message of the conference was that banks need to start listeni...

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

The King Legacy from the Queen of Payments

Change always comes at a price, and VocaLink needs to change; and Marion is the price. It would be unkind and unfair to view her time as CEO as a failure because she made a huge difference at VocaLink. Under her watch the organisation moved from a government bureaucracy to a commercial company that had a voice in Europe. At the same time as develo...

/payments UK Faster Payments

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

SEPA Rules, OK!

Over the weekend I was ruminating as you do, with a glass of wine in my hand. The object of my rumination was, unlikely as it sounds, SEPA. I know, I know, I need to get a life – but bear with me. Although I understand the broad concept and aim of SEPA and am a big supporter, I’m no expert unlike Chris Pickles who regularly writes on the topic. ...

/payments UK Faster Payments

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 5

See also Recovering Bank Charges - 1Recovering Bank Charges - 2Recovering Bank Charges - 3Recovering Bank Charges - 4Money Saving ExpertBBC Story Yesterday£100,00 fund to fight charges Good news! I first made contact with the bank re: my charges on March 9th, this weekend I finally got my Data Protection release form to allow the bank, which hold...

/retail UK Faster Payments

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Blogging can hurt your employability 2

See also - Blogging can hurt your employability 1 I was sitting in the waiting room at the Doctors this morning reading an old copy of Cosmopolitan; well I'd never buy a copy - far too raunchy for me! I noticed they now run a section on careers and Corrine Dauncey a careers expert with gave some good advice on answering the quest...

/security /regulation Data Protection Act Issues

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

The SWIFT Future

The excellent article Chris Skinner wrote re: SWIFT numbers intrigued me. I wondered if you take these very simple parameters and use them to predict growth, what will SWIFT look like in the coming years? So, as one does, I took the figures he gave in his article and created a spreadsheet which is available by clicking here. (Okay, okay, I had t...

/payments SWIFT Matters

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 4

See also Recovering Bank Charges - 1 Recovering Bank Charges - 2Recovering Bank Charges - 3 The 40 days are up and I called the call centre and spoke to Gary. The bank have apparently been trying to contact me (how?) to tell me that although they have received my request, they haven't received my £10. Given that this is my bank, and nowadays has ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

John Doyle

John Doyle Director at The Payments Business

Recovering Bank Charges - 3

See Recovering Bank Charges - 1 and Recovering Bank Charges - 2. Just an update I am afraid - no results, yet! I hadn't heard from the Alliance & Leicester so over the weekend I called their call centre for an update. 'We do have 40 days in which to respond you know Mr. Doyle', Anne in Ashford said; 'and it is only 35 days'. She was somewhat ...

/payments Trends in Financial Services

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