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The King Legacy from the Queen of Payments

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Change always comes at a price, and VocaLink needs to change; and Marion is the price. It would be unkind and unfair to view her time as CEO as a failure because she made a huge difference at VocaLink. Under her watch the organisation moved from a government bureaucracy to a commercial company that had a voice in Europe. At the same time as developing new products and services; the core business was in good hands and prospered. Marion played her part in the development of VocaLink as an ACH and as should be the case, she left it in better health than she found it 9 years ago. We can all say we would have done it different, but given the pressure she was under to maintain the core, develop independent products and services, meet shareholder expectations which were diverse and satisfy new investors needs her tasks were considerable. Her legacy is a company whose core business is sound and which provides a strong platform for providing the UK banking infrastructure with solid innovation. Now the debate should begin over what role VocaLink can play in the future; it's thanks to Marion that it is poised to move in any direction the shareholders choose.


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