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Gian Mahil

Is Request To Pay the next big thing?

Having looked at Pay-By-Bank in my previous post I thought it would be useful to look at another new payment innovation Request to Pay. This promises to be revolutionary new way of paying bills over t...

01 Dec 2022
Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation
Gian Mahil

Can Pay-By-Bank apps stop payment fraud ?

Pay-by-Bank solutions are suddenly the fashion in the payments world. Solutions are available from HSBC, JP Morgan, Barclays, JP Morgan, Mastercard and World Pay to name a few. How do they work and do...

17 Nov 2022
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Gian Mahil

Use Cases in Open Banking

Open Banking is finally coming of age. More and more applications are available that ride the Open Banking rails bringing innovation and efficiency to financial services, businesses, and consumers. In...

09 Nov 2022
Gian Mahil

Crypto dangers and how to stay safe..

I never thought I would start a serious blog on cryptocurrencies by mentioning Kim Kardashian. At the beginning of October 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced charges and...

09 Nov 2022
Financial Literacy for Kids
Gian Mahil

Paym - RIP , gone but not forgotten.

Pay.UK, the payments operator and, standards organisation for the retail interbank payment systems in the UK recently announced that the Paym mobile payments service will close permanently on 7 March ...

12 Oct 2022
Digital Banking Trends
Gian Mahil

Text spam - is still killing it.

You might be thinking “How can people be so stupid to fall for that old scam”? Well they can and do, but they aren’t stupid – the scammers are getting smarter at sucking people in. According to Eart...

12 Oct 2022
Consumer Financial Health
Gian Mahil

Scammers love unattended lockers!

Like a lot of other people, I love going to the gym and having a swim and sauna afterward. Going to the gym helps me to relax for a while away from the day-to-day grind. After the gym, I may go to the...

08 Sep 2022
Exposing Financial Crime
Gian Mahil

Amazon vs Visa - who will win?

In November 2021 Amazon announced that they will no longer accept Visa Credit cards in the UK – they had already done this in Singapore and Australia. To the layperson, this might sound like Amazon ar...

08 Sep 2022
Digital Banking Trends
Gian Mahil

Eight Simple Rules – to survive the tsunami of fraud.

During and post-Covid 19 the world has been hit by a tsunami of fraud. With the move to electronic money where everyone has their money in digital form, the criminals have realised this has made it ea...

07 Oct 2021
Personal Finance
Gian Mahil

Are banks at the root of the problem of fraud?

It’s been reported recently that £4m is stolen every day by fraudsters in the UK. That’s a lot of money even by today’s highly inflated standards. Isn’t it time to ask the difficult question - are ban...

24 Sep 2021
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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