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Paul Marcantonio

5 Steps to Set Up Online Payments for Your Business

Selling things online can be complicated. There are web shops to design, product descriptions to create, and payment methods to set up. The latter is probably the single most important part of the pro...

13 Jan 2020
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

3 payment technologies to increase conversion

Though it may seem like everything in the payments space is geared towards boosting conversion, i.e. the amount of times a potential customers completes the intended action of clicking “buy” – and thi...

25 Nov 2019
The Payments Business
Paul Marcantonio

The Potential and Reality of Cryptocurrency in Video Gaming

Cryptocurrency promises to change the world, but it might start with games. The ubiquity of microtransactions in modern video games makes the industry ripe for a crypto insurgence. With gamers spendin...

02 Oct 2019
Paul Marcantonio

5 Considerations for Choosing a Payment Services Provider

My colleague recently published a piece on selecting a payment gateway and it got me thinking. How do you choose a service - any kind of service - when you're inundated with options? I've decided to u...

12 Aug 2019
Paul Marcantonio

How to Maximise Seasonal Highs with Travel Payment Technologies

At the beginning of July, we’re right in the thick of what travel agencies and tour operators across the northern hemisphere know as the summer high season. The confluence of warmer weather, brighter ...

03 Jul 2019
Paul Marcantonio

Facing Challenges Head-on in Emerging Markets

Everyone understands the travel industry by now. But maybe the geography is changing. Maybe instead of tourists from ‘established markets’ visiting ‘emerging markets’, it’s beginning to go both ways. ...

19 Jun 2019
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

How to Identify Payments Trends Worth Following

Payment trends come and go. A select few can endure the test of time, but far more end up flashes in the payments pan. Being able to figure out which is which is an essential part of running a modern ...

15 May 2019
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

Why the Human Touch Still Matters in the Sharing Economy

The internet changed the way we do everything, and then the smartphone changed the way we do that. The rapid and massive growth of ‘sharing economy’ services like Uber and AirBnB, which offer platform...

08 May 2019
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

Low Price? High Cost: Why it Pays to Balance Price and Value in Payment Solutions

The payment services world is more competitive than ever. With numerous providers competing to serve thousands of businesses, things can get more than a little hectic as payments companies try to carv...

17 Apr 2019
Paul Marcantonio

Staying Innovative in a Mobile World

The last decade has seen an explosion in mobile devices, and it’s changed the face of the eCommerce industry. Innovative mobile technologies are enabling shoppers to make digital purchases across the ...

09 Apr 2019
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

There’s No Safer Bet than a Reliable Payments Partner

A strong payments strategy is an advantage to any eCommerce industry, but none more so than the heavily regulated sports betting sector. As more and more bookmakers respond to growing consumer demand ...

13 Mar 2019
Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Paul Marcantonio

The Changing Face of Travel: A Payments Perspective

Travel used to be rigid. You’d book your ticket, reserve a room, and follow the carefully arranged plan of your travel agent. But in 2019, a younger and more independent generation of travellers is de...

27 Feb 2019

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