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Staying Innovative in a Mobile World

The last decade has seen an explosion in mobile devices, and it’s changed the face of the eCommerce industry. Innovative mobile technologies are enabling shoppers to make digital purchases across the world in greater numbers than ever before, while mobile browsing and apps have skyrocketed in popularity. But while the mobile revolution has been great for consumers, it’s left some merchants struggling to keep up.

Staying up to date

One of the most pressing, and time-consuming, tasks eCommerce businesses face in a new, mobile world is website modernisation. Old websites designed for computer monitors rarely play nicely with mobile screens, and many customers would sooner look elsewhere than try to navigate a desktop site on their phone. That’s why adapting your website, particularly your payment portal, for mobile displays is crucial to success in the modern age. Mobile is predicted to drive an astounding 80% of internet usage worldwide sooner rather than later, so having a web page that can be easily swiped through at the touch of a finger is only going to grow in importance.

The mobile revolution hasn’t just changed how we browse. Payment apps have practically replaced cash in some countries, and direct carrier billing revenues are expected to hit $25 billion this year. Not to mention things like SMS-payments and online wallets, plus the plethora of new apps that are constantly in development. Mobile has changed, is changing, and will change how we do payments, and operators need to be able to adapt. That means knowing how your customers prefer to pay, and having the tech and expertise to handle it. That’s a lot of work and even more responsibility, but the potential returns are worth it.

Tailoring your tech

In the age of mobile, it’s essential to find the right tech, and the right experts, to help keep your web presence up to speed. But that tech has to fit your website, both technically and aesthetically. Thankfully, the tech exists that can be tailored to the demands of this or that business while preserving its basic function: like anti-fraud software that can be customised to the precise threats that are faced by, say, the airline industry. By establishing the right partnerships and investing in the right solutions, user interfaces and technical backends can be altered to match the specific needs of businesses in any part of the eCommerce industry, without too much extra effort on the part of the businesses themselves and with zero sacrifices in aesthetics or security.

The mobile revolution has changed the world, and some businesses are bound to be unable to keep up. The ones that can, though, stand to benefit immensely. That doesn’t mean just upgrading your website and returning to business as normal, though. The proliferation of mobile devices has made innovation a daily occurence, and businesses need to stay nimble enough to adapt to new developments as they happen. What those developments will be is impossible to say, but a strong, adaptable technical backend, backed up by experts, won’t steer you wrong in the years to come.



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Paul Marcantonio

Paul Marcantonio

Head of UK/Western Europe


Member since

23 Nov 2018



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