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James Wooster

James Wooster COO at Glue42

Weighing your options: Desktop Integration Platforms in Use

In the prior two blogs of this series, we had introduced the fragmented desktop, and outlined the advantages of using a Desktop Integration Platform (DIP) to solve the problem. In this blog, we look at emerging standards in Desktop Integration and how vendor solutions provide advantages over homegrown solutions. We round out the conversation wit...

/wealth /devops Capital Markets Technology

James Wooster

James Wooster COO at Glue42

Unifying the Desktop

In our prior blog, we had introduced desktop fragmentation, the problems posed by it, and how a Desktop Integration Platform (DIP) can solve them. In this blog we delve further into the architecture and structure of DIPs. Providing a seamless user experience to end-users such as traders, analysts, data scientists, etc. has long been a challenge ow...

/wealth /devops Capital Markets Technology

James Wooster

James Wooster COO at Glue42

The Fragmented Desktop

Regardless of whether you are a trader or a portfolio manager, the user journey in Financial Services is, to date, a tale of disparate technologies, inconsistent ergonomics, and poorly optimized workflows. Financial institutions constantly innovate and introduce new applications, thus placing a significant cognitive demand on the end user. While a...

/wealth /devops Innovation in Financial Services

James Wooster

James Wooster COO at Glue42

Why I Moved to the Dark Side

I’ve spent most of my career working in or running software integration businesses. It began with object brokers, then middleware, then ESBs and subsequently included all manner of adjacent technologies including event processing, process modelling and process mining. New application architectures were developed to exploit this infrastructure, ena...

/inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

James Wooster

James Wooster COO at Glue42

Does RPA fit into your processes?

I’ve had an epiphany. Sadly, it’s about IT stuff – but I thought I would share it anyway! More specifically, it’s about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and when to use it. As you will see below, scenarios which appear to be good candidates for RPA could turn into very costly mistakes. Anyone who’s spent time in contact centres or shared-service ...

/devops Digital Insurance Trends

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