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35 Results from 2020, /wholesale

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Will MiFID research arrangements change again?

I have been doing some informal polling on impact of the EU's latest proposed changes to the existing MiFID II Research regime across various forums in the last few days. As you probably know, these changes would create a narrowly defined exception authorising the joint payment for execution services and research on small-cap (defined as up to a m...

/regulation /wholesale MiFID

Simon Hawtin

Simon Hawtin Marketing Director at ezbob

Lending Post Covid-19: New Data Sources and Technologies

The Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the finances of both UK consumers and companies, with millions struggling to pay their bills on time due to the associated economic lockdown. This has dramatically altered the lending landscape, with a spike in borrowing as businesses turn to lenders to help them mitigate the effects of Covid-19. Accord...

/wholesale /covid-19 Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Riccardo Conte

Riccardo Conte Founder at Virtus Flow

Going beyond digitization with back-office process automation

Banking Automation is the future of the financial industry. In 2017 McKinsey [1] reported that newer technologies were causing disruption in financial institutions and that companies adopting digital alternatives would increase their profits and productivity as a result. Accenture [2], reported that digitally focused and digitally active banks ha...

/retail /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Olivier Gazon

Olivier Gazon CEO at Sustainable Base Finance

Innovative commercial finance underwriting can profitably ignite economic recovery

The current economic slump creates a trade finance paradox: Banks do not grant new credit limits, tight be regulatory constraints. Credit insurers face deep losses on traditional credit insurance schemes. Credit reinsurers have substantial reinsurance capacity available but cannot place it. The result: major losses for all parties. Heading towar...

/wholesale /covid-19 Financial Supply Chain

Ron Cogburn

Ron Cogburn CEO at Exela Technologies

Data Has Endless Value, If You Know How to Use It

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” Sherlock Holmes This is a repost from my recent article for the Forbes Technology Council; Data is one of the most valuable resources that can be acquired today. You’ve probably heard the phrase “Data is the new oil.” In fact, data has the potential to be much more valuable, and more vers...

/payments /wholesale Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Corporate Account Structures, Payments and Intra-Day Liquidity Management

The world of manufacturing has seen JIT (Just In Time) for a long time now. Machine tool operators do not need to keep large inventories of raw material next to their machines. This has improved cash and working capital and ultimately profitability for manufacturing companies. However the same is not entirely true in the corporate transaction ban...

/payments /wholesale Transaction Banking

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

Credit origination - A lot of innovation on the horizon

While consumer credits are becoming more automated and user-friendly to request, all other credits are often still very manual and labor intensive to originate. In this (relatively long) blog I will try to give a description of the (potentially many) different steps in a credit origination process and how they can be innovated. I will describe the ...

/retail /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Hans Tesselaar

Hans Tesselaar Executive Director at BIAN

Strength in Numbers

The famous basketball player, Michael Jordan once said: "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." In team sports, collaboration and teamwork play a deciding role in success or failure. When it comes to banking, however, it seems to be that collaboration will be its downfall. Retail banks compete against one an...

/retail /wholesale Banking Architecture

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The global acquiring landscape redefined

Fintech start-ups are known for being agile and efficient and they now have their eyes on the banks’ revenue sweet spot. These new entrants, have a well-established online presence, they are targeting merchant services and managing to hold on to them through mobile access. To stave off this threat, banks need to work with merchants to strengthen t...

/payments /wholesale Fintech, you get me!

David Ratnage

David Ratnage Commercial Lending Director, Capital Markets at FIS

Commercial lenders are developing a digital response to COVID-19

When the world last confronted a global crisis, it's fair to say that banks were at the center of the problem. This time around, the industry is doing all it can to form a big part of the solution. And in the face of COVID-19, commercial lenders are leaning on their digital infrastructure as never before. First, as in every other sector, a top pri...

/wholesale /covid-19 Capital Markets Technology

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