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287 Results from /wealth

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Hyper-Personalise Communications to Nurture Deeper, More Satisfying Client Relationships

Wealth managers must master hyper-personalisation in order to retain revenues during the great wealth transfer. For wealth managers striving to achieve competitive advantage, the depth of client relationships heavily influences service quality, loyalty, share of wallet and – ultimately – profitability. Increasingly, wealth managers are reassessing...

/wealth Capital Markets Technology

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

4 ways to improve financial fitness

Despite significant efforts by schools and media to give more attention to financial skills, the level of financial literacy in the general population remains low. Basic financial budget management appears very difficult for many people, let alone understanding more complex concepts like the correlation between risk and return, the need for divers...

/wealth /inclusion Financial Risk Management

Alan Blanchard

Alan Blanchard Country Head UK at Apiax

Cross-border banking in the digital age

The legal and reputational risks associated with providing cross-border financial services have risen sharply in recent years. Current national lockdowns and travel restrictions, alongside major regulatory upheaval, such as Brexit, are only adding to the challenges facing global banks. With bankers, wealth managers, asset managers and other financ...

/regulation /wealth Financial Services Regulation

Tushar Chitra

Tushar Chitra Vice President, Product Strategy and Marketing at Oracle Financial Services Software

Fix the Abandonment Quandary in Digital Onboarding

Successful digital onboarding is not just about enabling a customer to sign up for an account through a mobile phone in 5 minutes. What if the customer is forced into a cumbersome verification process after sign up? What if the customer needs advice on the best account that suits her or his needs or is confused about the details of a loan? If the ...

/wealth /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

When it comes to offshore call centres, what price is a happy customer? How can AI help?

The offshore explosion The nineties saw an explosion in the deployment of offshore service centres, the most popular destinations being China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Brazil. The main benefit of this dash to offshoring and outsourcing was seen as reduced cost, given the compelling lower staffing and real estate costs these lo

/wealth /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Digitise processes across the client lifecycle for frictionless remediation

Digitise processes across the client lifecycle for frictionless remediation As remediation gathers pace, wealth managers must further accelerate digitisation to avoid resource-intensive distractions that impact sales. By February 2020 wealth managers began realising that digitisation was a pre-requisite to thriving or even surviving the Covid-19 pa...

/regulation /wealth Trends in Financial Services

Laurent Descout

Laurent Descout CEO at NEO Capital Markets

Five ways to optimise your corporate hedging strategy for 2021

For millions of small businesses, 2020 was a pretty dismal year. But with a vaccine being rolled out and a Brexit deal agreed, business confidence is growing. I, for one, am looking forward to what 2021 has in store. As we start the New Year with renewed optimism, it is worth reflecting on the biggest challenges SME owners faced last year and how ...

/wealth /startups Fintech

David Csiki

David Csiki President & COO at INDATA

How Emerging Tech Can Transform Client Outreach and Reporting for Investment Managers

Whether it be standardized client statements, marketing factsheets or other investor communications, investment management firms face a myriad of challenges when trying to provide accurate reporting to clients, consultants and other third parties. Investment managers seeking to automate client outreach and differentiate themselves from their compe...

/wealth /predictions Data Management and Governance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Twelve powerful wealth management trends. Twelve opportunities in 2021. Are you ready?

After a turbulent year businesses are looking for some bulletproof guidance and inspiration, wealth management is no exception. There is no doubt that the Covid-19 has changed the world for ever, but let's not make the pandemic a scapegoat for the woes of asset and wealth management organisations. Prior to the pandemic, the wealth management sect

/wealth /predictions Trends in Financial Services

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

How banks and insurers increasingly push risks towards their customers

In past blogs we have raised awareness of the lack of tooling for clients to properly manage their finances and associated risks. Personal (PFM) and Business Finance Management (BFM) modules are being developed rapidly and keep getting better, but most of these are still limited to a reporting/dashboarding layer. This allows customers to get bette...

/wealth Financial Risk Management

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