114 Results from 2021, /startups
Retired Member
Virtual real estate NFT is forever changing the way we view digital assets. As technology evolves alongside society, every aspect of life shifts to the virtual space. Typically physical events like work, school, and conferences are slowly moving towards the digital space. Technology makes it easy for everyone to do things through their tablet, sm
31 December 2021 /startups /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)
Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik
Financial institutions, like so many others, must adopt digital strategies if they are to remain competitive in today's market. SEO is one of the most critical components of any approach, and the advantages of boosting a company's online visibility cannot be overstated. While staying on top of Google's algorithm changes, firms must use a variety o...
29 December 2021 /startups
Amita Choudhary Marketing Manager at Princeton Growth Accelerator
Big corporations that started from nothing and experienced expansion beyond their wildest belief used data analytics to get them there. Everything you could need to expand your business is in the data, and when you know how to analyze it properly, miracles can happen. Many companies watch their competitors grow in size while they are left behind i...
29 December 2021 /startups Business Knowledge for IT
Andrei Karpushonak CEO at Aprimerose
Does WALL-E use Machine Learning for voice recognition? Before becoming a software engineer, our university president spoke before graduating students during my college time. After many years, I still remember the main idea given by prof Tadeusiewicz: “using a rational approach, we understand particular fields in science already well, yet a lot o
28 December 2021 /startups /predictions Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Henrik Grim General Manager at Capchase
It’s been a boom year for startup financing in Europe, which is great news because the world needs innovative startups to take on the big challenges it's facing, from pandemic recovery to climate change. But what I’m really excited about is how much the world of startup finance has matured this year. Founders now have an even wider ranging of opti...
21 December 2021 /startups /predictions Trends in Financial Services
Victor Martin CMO at SquareRoot
App development is getting costlier and more complicated because of the ever-evolving features, user experience standards, and new skill requirements. This is why app projects often prefer to outsource development, particularly for certain niches such as fintech outsourcing development has become a regular phenomenon. But why not find app develop...
20 December 2021 /people /startups Fintech
King Leung Global Head of Financial Services and FinTech at InvestHK
The economist Michael Porter once said that California is successful for its wine, not because of its meteorological conditions, but because it has an economic cluster of interconnected wineries, grape growers, suppliers, and wine-related institutions in the state. There are banks in California with such deep understanding of the local economy tha...
16 December 2021 /startups /markets Asia Financial Services
Abhinav Paliwal CEO at PayNet Systems
Brazil’s Nu Bank, the largest #Neobank globally, recently filed to go public. This has sparked curiosity in its business model. How Nu Financial earned over 48M customers in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia, including 1.1M SMEs. Nubank started off using credit cards as an initial wedge to acquire customers. Today, Nubank offers financial products in...
14 December 2021 /retail /startups
Willem Lambrechts Managing Director at Drebbel
Amazon, Google, Azure,...all three public cloud providers were forced to inform their clients and shareholders about vulnerabilities in the software they use and make available to their customers. Nobody will deny that cloud services offer a lot of advantages compared to on-premise systems and software. Not surprisingly however, security is the big...
14 December 2021 /security /startups Cloud Banking out of the Box
What is common between Netflix, Google, Uber, Spotify, Apple and Microsoft? All these giants of their industries believe the answer to the question "What is the future of Python?" is that it is extremely bright. In 2021, Python celebrated the 30th anniversary of its launch and showed no signs of slowing down in developing as the most pre...
14 December 2021 /people /startups Business Knowledge for IT
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