66 Results from 2020, /security
Retired Member
Just over ten years ago, in 2009, Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame launched Square, changing the PoS industry as it existed. Square used a simple magnetic-stripe card-reading dongle that plugged into the headphone jack of smartphones, enabling them to accept standard card payments. Hailed as a transaction democratizer, it gained significant publicity ...
30 March 2020 /security /payments Fintech
Konstantin Rabin Head of Marketing at Kontomatik
The 21st century is the era of technological advancement and the dramatic digital transformation in almost every industry. An increasing number of people demand services online due to their efficiency and convenience. Some sectors are particularly fast at adapting to the new trends. One of such is the financial field, which is quickly becoming one...
24 March 2020 /security /inclusion Fintech
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Are you newly working from home? Or are you an old pro? Either way, it is likely you are using some form of remote desktop protocol. Those of us who have been working home as our primary means of earning a living, know these tools very well and are accustomed to eliminating the various distractions in our home environment in order to get the job d...
24 March 2020 /security /identity
Scott Cutler Director, at Fortinet
For almost as long as businesses have been subject to risk, some form of insurance has existed to mitigate their exposure. The first recorded commercial insurance policies date back to Babylonian times, and in the thousands of years since, the types of business cover available have multiplied exponentially, driven by the uptake of technology. It’s...
23 March 2020 /security Information Security
Paul Hampton Security Expert at Thales
On New Year’s Eve 2019, hackers struck foreign exchange giant Travelex and held them to ransom. The London headquartered firm with a presence in more than 70 countries, were forced to take down all its global websites. $6 million was demanded (£4.6 million) to return access or else customer information would be released. Sensitive personal informa...
10 March 2020 /security /crime Information Security
You might not realize it, but your electronic devices may be tracking you. They know what you are doing, what you are reading, and the things you like to do. In almost every case, you give these devices permission to collect this info when you start using them. Here are some tips to help you prevent your devices from spying on you: Laptops Macs I...
27 February 2020 /security
Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever
In the current digital world, we are continuously digitally transacting with companies all over the world. Each transaction leaves a digital trace, allowing the company (in case of litigation) to prove you, as the user, have explicitly accepted the transaction. However, as you have probably noticed while surfing on the internet, confirming a trans...
24 February 2020 /security Digital Identity Management
Identity theft is when a person steals another person’s private and personal information, generally to make money from it. You probably already knew this, but have you heard of synthetic identity theft? This is a bit different. With synthetic identity theft, a person creates a new and very fake identity by combining the real information from a per...
20 February 2020 /security
Paul Shumsky Technology Advisor at Entrepreneur
Mobile-based fintech solutions are becoming the first port of call for many financial services, as people embrace the simplicity, cost-effectiveness and speed of mobile payments. Milennials and Gen-Zers admire mobile experiences they get with banking, payroll, customer loyalty apps and others. However, digital fraud is rising as fast, if not faste...
18 February 2020 /security Fintech
Looking ahead into 2020 we can expect to see continued geopolitical uncertainty, fee pressures, increasing regulatory demands and market volatility. The regulatory burden for Asset Managers and Asset Servicers continues to grow. Managers will continue to examine how they differentiate themselves in a competitive marketplace through their investmen...
04 February 2020 /security /regulation Trends in Financial Services
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