126 Results from 2013, /security
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Business or commercial identity theft happens when thieves use an existing business’ name to get credit, or they may bill a business’ clients for products and services. Sometimes the Social Security number of a company’s officer or another representative is required to commit business identity theft. A big problem is that identifiers, such as fede...
29 October 2013 /security
Retired Member
Next month the UK Government is launching one of the most extensive cyber threat exercises, which will test how prepared financial systems are to survive a sustained online attack. The move comes after a senior official at the Bank of England warned earlier this year that cyber attacks are the top risk for UK banks. The warning was confirmed by a...
16 October 2013 /security /regulation
Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO
The new world between 2030 –2050 recalls past transition points—such as 1815, 1919, 1945, or 1989. In this world will exist an absence of global power. The hegemonic power will shift to networks and coalitions in multi polar world, with declining US capacity to serve as a global security provider. The world between 2030 –2050 will launch open ...
14 October 2013 /security /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
When ATM vendors got behind Windows XP as a replacement for IBM’s OS/2 as it neared the end of its shelf life 10 years ago, there was a predictable flurry of concern. And instinctively, the concerns made sense. Why would you use the most popular and most targeted all-purpose PC operating system to run such a machine with very specific functions and...
11 October 2013 /security /retail Future Finance
Andy Morris Risk Business Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide
Pause for thought…….quiz time. Can you remember who topped the UK charts on the 14th February 2006? Now, can you also remember what was the main business driver behind the UK’s move to the EMV standard of “chip and pin,” which also coincidentally was the same official launch date (14th February 2006)? Well let me put you out of your misery. It was...
10 October 2013 /security /payments
Identity theft is first and foremost a problem because we rely on numerical identifiers that attach humans to credit and a variety of services. Once a criminal gets hold of those identifiers, he can simply be you. But when that thief takes on those numerical identifiers and attaches another name or date of birth, he confuses the already broken sys...
09 October 2013 /security
Encryption is the science of encoding and decoding secret messages. It began as cryptography—the ancient Greeks used it to protect sensitive information that might fall into the hands of their enemies. More recently, governments have used encryption for military purposes, but these days the term if often used in reference to online security. Encr...
07 October 2013 /security
Medical identity theft is the deadliest form of identity theft—and I say this without hyperbole or exaggeration. When financial gain is the general motivation for stealing medical information, insurance cards, records, etc., the crime is a form of account takeover fraud. Medical identity theft—the real kind—occurs when the thief’s motivation is ob...
Grey charges: “Deceptive and unwanted credit and debit card charges that occur as a result of misleading sales and billing practices.” Technically, grey charges aren’t considered fraud because the legalese spells it all out, and trusting consumers sign on the dotted line. Merchants know levying grey charges is legal, but they also know it’s unethi...
Security is one of those topics we’d rather not discuss because it requires us to acknowledge the fact that we are vulnerable to miscreants bent on doing harm. Sorry, but this is Real Life 101 here—which, unfortunately, means most people don’t do anything about their security proactively; hence, so many people are victimized and end up in complete...
05 October 2013 /security
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