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2030 2050 Global Strategies trends

The new  world between 2030 –2050  recalls past transition points—such as 1815, 1919, 1945, or 1989. In this world will exist an absence of global power. The hegemonic power will shift to networks and coalitions in multi polar world, with declining  US  capacity to serve as a global security provider.  The world between 2030 –2050 will launch open a third industrial revolution with several new trends and aspects, based on growing reliance on information and communication. Individuals or small groups, such as  cyber  may sabotage industrial installations and research facilities. 

Their cyber attacts will exist with a new generation of technologies in a renewable power of all kind of new installations. On a  planet will all people have a global access to Internet with a new global initiatives, hubs.  The new types of wars, involving non-state actors and organised criminal urban violence will increase in mega cities. With a more widespread access to lethal and disruptive technologies, individuals, who are experts in such niche areas as cyber systems might sell their services to the highest bidder, including terrorists regional dynamics in several different scenarios during the next couple decades will have the potential to spill over and create global insecurity.

The emerging powers are eager to take their place at the top table of key multi lateral institutions such as UN, IMF, and World Bank, but they do notes lack any competing vision. Power will shift to networks and coalitions in a multi polar world. Non state Actors take a leadin confronting global challenges in 2030.  The Financial wars in the 21st century will be hidden wars behind medial curtain with symbols and attributes as Global Debts, Big Money, Big Data, currency battles between economic regions, such as Dollar vs Gold, Dollar vs Euro.

The  EU will be the 3rd Biggest World Economy in 2030 with declining importance in the new world. The EU  stands in front of structural Problems, we may even say about EU´lost decade 2020 –2030, because, EU managers missed bright leadership and targets 2050 for their climate and energy policy

 A recent Goldman Sachs´ 2030 Study is talking about Next Eleven Countries, as a regional players. Here belongs countries s Bangladesh, Egypt 106m people in 2030, Mexico, Indonesia, Iran 84m, South Korea, Nigeria 230m, Pakistan 235m, The Philippines, Turkey 108m, Vietnam.  These Next Eleven Countries will  overtake in 2030 collectively the EU28 it´s  global power. Especially countries, as Colombia, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, and Turkey will become very important to the global economy. Meanwhile, the economies of Europe, Japan, and Russia are likely to continue theirs low relative declines.

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M. Hoschek Autumn 2013

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picture The Hat Shop by August Macke,  year 1913



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