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What are the new types of 5G risk, that banks and telcos face nowadays?

  • banks and telcos -what to do, not to be more than pipelines for 5G services?
  • 5G technology is going to be the basis of several new investions of our century.
  • by 2020 industry estimates claim 50 bill. devices will be connected to 5G.
  • 5G Data strategies-it change the world forever
  • 5G Slovakia urgently needed a „ 5G Digital Strategy“
  • 5G cloud infrastructure with Ultra reliable and low latency communication,
  • 5G licensing auctions are in progress,
  • The fastest current 4G mobile networks offer about 45 Mbps, 5G about 10-20 times faster.
  • spectral question 3,4-3,8 Ghz is suitable for 5G digital economy.
  • 5G could achieve browsing and download speeds about 10 to 20 times faster in real word, 
  • The European Commission published recommendations at the end of March to ensure the security of 5G networks in Europe. 
  • The European Commission Agenda on Security provide the overall strategic framework for the EU initiatives on cyber security and cybercrimet 5G and Analyst Big Data are a new grow points for media, retail, the financial sphere, education, medicine, extracting the industries.
  • How banks and telcos are going to fund 5G investments, testing of 5G networks in Europe,
  • Risk low latency- less than 10 milliseconds - 5G Security of IoT 
  • Risk low latency- less than 10 milliseconds - /scale/complexity/dynamic attitute to  security/applying Machine Learning
  • low latency- less than 10 milliseconds using a new policy-machine learning,
  • Advantages of 5G technology - high scalability of network, virtual routers and switches, increased security and used of cloud platforms,
  • Advantages of 5G technology - use of high performance servers centres of processing data
  • Risk - 5G   Security gigabytes in seconds,
  • Risk - 5G   Security a new  protocols,
  • Risk - 5G   Security AI - artificial intelligence can complete the payment authentication within 0,03 seconds without the need of cash or credit cards,
  • Risk - 5G   Security  low latency- less than 10 milliseconds application could include the use of facial recognition technology could allow consumers to make payments for entertainment and retail services.
  • Risk - 5G   Security 3D Video UHD screens , facial recognition technology to transmit drone and camera footage
  • Risk - 5G   Security work and play in cloud ,
  • Risk - 5G   Security using augmented reality,
  • Risk - 5G   Security mission Critical Application, robotic content
  • Risk - Security 5G safety systems - 5 millisecs - Robots gaining greater autonomy and efficiency
  • Barclays 5G a Transformative Study - rapid uptake by UK businesses and costumers, resulting a billions of pounds of profit, 5G Distribution industry UK, 
  • Barclays Corporate Banking Record published in April 2019 predicts GBP 15,7 bill. boost in UK economy per year by 2025 ,
  • 5G low latency high speed computing and assessment,
  • The fastest current 4G mobile networks offer about 45 Mbps, 5G about 10-20 times faster.
  • By 2020 industry estimates claim 50 bill. devices will be connected to 5G,
  • Smart City, Massive Machine Type Communication, 40 devices/Households,             possible to transfer rates of more than 1 Gbs
  • 5G is national security topic in US  Studies 5G ion
  • China is  surpassing the US in the latest wireless 5G technology .
  • ZTE 5G          it is powered by Intel's field programmable gate array FGPA circuit and Core 17 processors and supports the 600-900 Mhz , 3,3-4,2 
  • notice: my introduction points for round table conference-  Autumn 2019 Fintech Summit September 25,  in Bratislava , EU-Slovakia

my parents in 1950´s Bratislava, Czechoslovakia



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