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210 Results from 2016, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The unstoppable rise of robo-advisors

The Financial Times estimates that the market for funds advised by hybrid robo-human services will grow to $16.3 trillion worldwide in the next nine years. According to Swiss financial research company,, pure robo-advice has jumped from $19 billion in 2015 to $43 billion in 2016. The rise of the robo-advisor appears to be unst...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Digital Transformation in Banking isn't happening

There is a lot of talk about digital transformation by banks but the reality is that despite what they say they are not doing it. What the vast majority of banks are actually doing is digital enablement. They are simply using digital technologies to do what they are doing today only slightly better. There is nothing transformational about what the...


Jamie Campbell

Jamie Campbell Commercial lead at Bud

The Russian Doll Paradox

Wooden. Layered. Traditional. I could make the obvious "and thats just the banks!" joke, but I think I'll refrain. Russian nesting dolls (or matryoshka dolls) are weird little things. Normally they're wooden figures painted like nurses or matrons (matryoshka literally means little matron) all piled inside one another with a little baby ne...

/retail /startups

Neil Clarke

Neil Clarke Business Development Director at Volante Technologies

The Race to Open Banking is underway

As the dust continues to settle after the momentous decision by UK to leave the EU, the implications in terms of EU regulation are pretty clear, with the FCA stating whilst the UK remains in the EU (for at least 2 years after invoking the now well know Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty) then planned initiatives such as PSD2 remain in place. At the r...

/payments /retail

Nanda Kumar

Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions

Security - worth paying for in a digital world?

When performing their daily banking routines, customers don’t want to be bothered by complex security features and authentication procedures. Today, they expect simple and fast user interfaces and often take for granted that their financial resources are protected. However, at the UK’s leading FinTech event last month, a question was posed on whet...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The moral wallet: Striking the right balance with end users

Even though studies are showing that an increasing number of users are giving the mobile wallet technology a try, only a few are reported to be using it on a continuous basis. Consumers say their top two reasons for not regularly using their mobile wallet are either that they forget to do so (the question of value) or that they are uncertain as to...

/payments /retail

Venkatesh P

Venkatesh P Co-Founder and Director at Maveric Systems

Moving ahead in Fintech landscape-A Ready reckoner for CFOs

In my last post I outlined the emerging role of Fintechs and what CFOs need to be cognizant of while operating in a marketplace influenced by Fintechs. Needless to say, the role of CFOs have become critical in light of the changing environment pervaded by technology shifts and emergence of new age players. It is necessary to check their awareness,...


David Donovan

David Donovan Executive Vice President at Publicis.Sapient

Procurement in Financial Services: From Fight to Delight

How Procurement can play a strategic role in outcome based models for financial services. The speed and complexity of businesses and their dependency on agile external partners continues to accelerate in a digital world. Procurement organizations within financial services firms, which have been largely tasked with transaction-level roles, have a...


Graham Seel

Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting

Innovation Basics for Community Banks and Credit Unions

“We must innovate!” Are you sick of hearing this yet? Are you focused on revenue growth, expense management and the increasing burden of regulatory compliance? If so, innovation may be the furthest thing from your mind. And yet the plaintive refrain continues, and it has merit. Why Innovate? Not because everyone else is doing it, that’s for sure.

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Converting seamless customer experience to customer loyalty

In response to the increasing demands of today’s always connected consumer, the term customer experience has become more than a simple buzzword. Used as a key brand differentiator for all types of industries, it has emerged as a crucial tool in driving customer loyalty in banking. According to Gartner, 89 per cent of businesses now expect to compe...


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