174 Results from 2010, /retail
Retired Member
Once again, the balance of power has shifted towards the consumer and this time, we have the ICT revolution to thank for it. Far from being passive users of goods and services, today’s customers are demanding integrity, information, openness, social responsibility, personalised attention and an active role for themselves from the businesses they ...
09 August 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
100% security doesn’t exist. The frustrating truth is that almost every organisation will suffer a security breach at some point. Whether it is the defacing of a website, loss of data through a Trojan horse or the corruption of a system by a virus or worm, most companies will experience some form of data breach. This includes merchants who have d
05 August 2010 /security /retail Information Security
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
I hear a lot of individuals in the financial services space expressing concerns about the risk of conducting business online, the lack of privacy in social media, the issues of identity theft and so forth. I’m not sure what these proponents of the ‘high-risk involvement’ model hope to accomplish, but if they realistically think that flagging conce...
05 August 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Nick Ogden Chairman at Ogden Research
The EU’s 2009 e-money Directive aimed to enable the design of new, innovative and secure electronic money services. In some ways Europe has come a long way in this area: use of credit and debit cards, Electronic Funds Transfer, Electronic Banking and Chip and PIN authentication have all increased dramatically, a date has been set for the demise o...
28 July 2010 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
We all know that financial services companies of all sizes are facing tough economic challenges at the moment. These challenges are coming from one of the toughest directions possible: customers do not have money in their pockets, making it more important than ever to convert the few available prospects into profitable customers. Improving busines...
28 July 2010 /retail
With confidence in the financial system taking a hard knock, few things are more important to banks at the moment than keeping customers happy. Talk about customer-specificity has been doing the rounds for a while; now it is time for action. Customer-specificity is that state of mind when every customer is considered a “segment of one”; by definiti...
26 July 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
This blog was created while Mark was working at The Logic Group. Contactless payment technology continues to develop; it is a hot topic of discussion as Barclaycard rolls out an update to its TV advert demonstrating the ease of contactless technology – but will its implementation become a rollercoaster ride for retailers and will hard currency be...
22 July 2010 /payments /retail
This week I've met with some very interesting people and the subject of social media has been high on the agenda. Yesterday, I met with Tom Cannon, who is leading the charge on the Internet Banking initiative that is part of HSBC's "OneH" project - essentially their customer dashboard, single-view of the customer baseline technology. Ear...
22 July 2010 /retail Finance 2.0
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
Panorama ran a 30 minute programme last night on banks - old-fashioned, high street, retail banks. In true mainstream media style (I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the BBC of late) the focus was on branch banks. Now, don't get me wrong, branch banks are still a force to be reckoned with. (although for the life of me, I cannot remember the l...
20 July 2010 /retail
This report truely suggests that a time has arrived for comprehensively utlising the Online Banking channel from multiple dimensions. Traditional Banks are struggling to keep pace due to a) competiting non-banking players, b) failing to connect new generations (say Y / Z), c) intensively strugging with silo's of multi-dimension IT applications, d...
20 July 2010 /retail Online Banking
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