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136 Results from 2013, /retail

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Multi-channel or good channels?

I’m very struck by one quote from the Tower Group report on multi-channel, "CEOs are realising that channel investments should be tied to specific experience goals and customers should be guided to the channel that best suits their needs". I don’t want to be too harsh, but surely that was always the point of multi-channel? As someone who...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The voice of the customer is growing louder.

Did you think that it is always the customer who is at the receiving end of cleverly devised communication strategies and costly services? Think again. Recently we have seen some colourful examples of how regular consumers are exerting their power by taking on board tools invented for brands and corporations. One British consumer who got fed up wit...

/retail Social Banks

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Seamless Transactions: A Must for M-Commerce Success

Mobile shoppers are on the rise and mobile device owners are fast becoming a lucrative shopping demographic. So why are mobile players still sentencing their customers to unnecessary friction at the checkout? Today’s mobile checkouts all too often result in dissatisfied customers, abandoned carts and millions in lost revenue. Much of the problem l...

/payments /retail

Mukesh Gupta

Mukesh Gupta Director at SAP India Pvt ltd

Relevance of Banking - Financial economy to Network Economy

Can banks transform themselves to remain relevant both in the financial economy and for the network economy? Traditionally, the role of the banks have been to be collect money from people who have money, aggregate the same and loan out the money to people who needed it. The banks were needed as there was no way that people who had money could know ...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Hans Tesselaar

Hans Tesselaar Executive Director at BIAN

The importance of an industry model for central banks

The benefits of having a simple structure, easily navigable for both processors and humans in a bank’s architecture are a boon not only to each individual bank, but the bodies that oversee them as well. No matter what the good intentions and solid reasons behind a piece of regulation in the financial sector, there is always the risk it will be met ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Under starters' orders: ready for rapid account switching?

From September 2013, the starter’s pistol will fire and banks will be required to speed through customer bank account switching within seven days. This is in line with the Vickers report’s recommendations which stand to dramatically reform the banking industry. So what are the implications of these new requirements? Banks must be thoroughly prepare...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Tech-ing up the treasury

One represents the convergence of four individually disruptive technologies into a symbiotic stack that even onomatopoeically conjures a hit – SMAC! The other is, well, the treasury function – a centralized non-customer facing operation overseen by graying executives in HQ and run by soon-to-be-graying executives, or burnouts, in the trading room....


Retired Member

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Should UK retail banks be banking on video?

In the battle for retail banks to reduce costs, services are becoming progressively more automated. Banks are looking to empower customers with the technology to answer their own queries about balances and bills, helped by trends such as the rise of smartphones and tablets. Banks are keen to deploy more self-service technology which enables the pr...


Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Will High NIM Propel Indian Banks Into FORTUNE 500?

The fragmented state of the banking industry and, arguably, the relatively conservative policies of the Indian banking regulator Reserve Bank of India, have kept the assets of Indian banks somewhat subdued compared to their global peers. Not surprisingly, league tables that use asset as the benchmark to rank banks have always been bereft of an ent...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Retail payments: Making the seconds count

It’s a common scene: a customer waiting patiently for a card transaction to be processed. In most cases it only takes a few seconds, but it can certainly seem longer. While some staff may try and fill this time with chatter, merchants should be working harder to make these moments count to actively build a relationship and engender customer loyalt...

/payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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