210 Results from 2016, /retail
Retired Member
With continued emphasis on cost reduction while fierce competition within the global financial services market is steadily growing, banks are faced with more challenging marketing goals than ever before. Growing revenue through cross-selling along with focusing on the acquisition of new customers is a fundamental necessity, meaning that the need f...
18 October 2016 /retail
Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting
Community banks need to innovate. Most of us accept that. Too much is changing around us, too many other players are jumping on our turf. Regulators seem out to strangle us. And customers demand more and more. Community banks need to be strategic and tactical about innovation. Innovation should be driven by corporate strategy. It should be carried...
17 October 2016 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
The Money20/20 agenda is always packed; the event inspires insightful discussion, debate and collaboration every year. And this year promises to be no exception. I'm especially looking forward to chewing over these three topical trends in Las Vegas: 1. The Checkout Challenge It is a retail priority to reduce friction at the checkout – online, on mo...
17 October 2016 /security /retail
Alex Kwiatkowski Director, Global Financial Services at SAS
Who wants to be in the slow lane, watching innovation pass them by? … This was a key question posed to over two hundred delegates from banking and financial services at our Connect Forum 2016 in Frankfurt. It’s a real concern for these organisations, as the divergence of banking draws ever nearer and the emergence of two speed banking comes to the...
17 October 2016 /retail
The financial services and banking industry has undergone significant change over the last decade, and today, automation is at the forefront of this change. Robotic process automation (RPA) is revolutionising the way that banks execute basic processes, and not a moment too soon. In terms of drivers for automation in financial services, while IT ar...
11 October 2016 /retail
Open APIs could revolutionise the banking sector providing customers with more choice and flexibility while increasing competition between banks and lenders. Just as comparison websites enabled customers to find the best products and thus disrupted the high street banks, APIs could empower customers to compare and switch products in a much more
10 October 2016 /retail
The wind of change is starting to blow through financial services. With a few exceptions, customers of banks are quite often an unhappy bunch. Just looking at some of the latest research on current accounts shows that a quarter of current account holders are unsatisfied with their bank. However, historical challenges with changing provider often m...
06 October 2016 /retail
Last month, following almost two years of consultation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced its final recommendations of reform to the retail banking sector. There had been much debate in the industry about whether the revised EU directive on payment services (PSDII) should be implemented in the UK post-Brexit, with the expectati...
29 September 2016 /retail
Irrespective of Brexit the UK will be getting an interoperable and innovative implementation of PSD2 With the memory of summer fading fast it is worth taking stock of what has happened within UK open banking during that time. In the depths of the holidays we had the release of the CMA’s investigation into the retail banking market and the EBA’s ...
28 September 2016 /regulation /retail
Alex Kreger Founder & CEO at UXDA
I found 3 key findings in Capgemini and Efma annual Retail Banking Report 2016 about banking customer experience, which I want to share with you. 1. Banks are focused on older customers leaving Gen Y less satisfied Despite of overall positive customer experience growth (up to 50% in last 2 years in Central Europe and Eastern Europe) Gen Y is 20%...
28 September 2016 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
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