191 Results from 2012, /retail
Retired Member
Money, and wanting more of it, is guaranteed to be dominating the mindshare of most Europeans at the moment. Austerity measures are in place and unemployment is embarrassingly high. Times are tough and the public has been left searching for new answers. Consumers have embraced discount and reward based businesses models and this trend is slowin...
31 October 2012 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
While we never expected the BofE to be thanking the #occupy movement Andrew just drop me a line if you would like some sensible legislation supported. Initial budget was about $1000, 2 people. Protests in 2400+ towns & cities. Startlingly effective, don't you think? There's definitely something to be said for social media eh? ;) BTW before...
31 October 2012 /regulation /retail Whatever...
Things I have learned in the first two days here at Sibos in Osaka. I encountered my first musical heated toilet seat; I learned that the ATMs here dispense coins, and I discovered that everything is incredibly expensive - a fact neatly illustrated by a stunned Financial Times staffer who discovered his room service club sandwich had set him back ...
30 October 2012 /payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Anish Kanayi Consultant at IT Industry
The call for sustainable banking has been answered by banks in various innovative ways - transformed processes, novel products and channels, fresh policies. With the active support of technology solutions, banks are seen gradually turning to sustainable banking (a)Process innovation There are various organizational initiatives like the UNEP-FI a...
29 October 2012 /retail /wholesale
One of my pet hates with most mobile banking projects is how security is treated as an adjunct rather than a key scope item. Any product or marketing manager worth their salt knows the number one reason consumers don’t adopt mobile banking services is security concerns. The reason security is treated as a ‘black sheep’ is that it isn’t doesn’t d...
28 October 2012 /security /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys
It’s getting worse. The latest edition of a global consulting and advisory firm’s annual consumer banking survey showed that customers were significantly more likely to switch banks (12% versus 7% in the previous year). The increase in the proportion of customers using three or more banks, and matching reduction in the number of those with only on...
26 October 2012 /retail
Jim Marous Publisher at The Financial Brand
In this exclusive interview about his new book, Bank 3.0, Brett King discusses how change occurring in the banking industry is inevitable, speeding up and disruptive. From the mobile wallet wars to the impact of social media, tablets and the 'de-banked' and digital consumer, Bank 3.0 shows why banking is no longer a place you go to, but something ...
25 October 2012 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee
Looking at the recent news stories or even just a quick glance at Finextra, a reader would have no doubt that change is coming to branch banking. What would be perhaps open to debate is the level of change. Plenty of recent stories have suggested that c conceptually branch banking will remain the same, just with more technology, nicer stores and s...
Customer data remains one of the biggest sources of customer complaints and issues for retail banks and insurers, despite the regulatory requirements of programmes like Know Your Customer (KYC) and Solvency 2. Often the customer proposition and 'so what does this mean for the customer?' gets lost, as the rush for compliance deadlines gains momentu...
25 October 2012 /retail
Sudha Saigal Senior Associate Consultant at Infosys Ltd.
It is the age of 'personalized customer experiences'. Businesses all over the world are trying hard to custom-create customer experience, and banks are no different. Yes, there is immense effort put into making your banking experience 'personalized'. Banks want to give you that 'wow' experience every time you login to your online account. But what...
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