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278 Results from 2008, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Shouting after the horse has bolted is not ID protection

While I commend Secure Identity Systems on their efforts and encourage ID protection programs, I fail to see much use for a system which merely shouts from the gate saying 'Your identity is gone!' Not even shutting the gate, just telling you too late after the horse has bolted. It may give you the opportunity to minimise the damage, although I'm ...

/security /retail Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The 10 Inventions That Most Changed Retail Banking

Here are some of the influential technologies and inventions which have each in their own way revolutionised the retail banking business in the last 1000 years. Money, guarantees and loans have been around for the millennium. I looked for something new, and didn't really see any change between the Crusades and and the 19th century. The first entry...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why we need to use mobile phones for ID

It's pretty obvious really. The main reason is 'because we can'. Next comes 'because more people choose or aspire to carry one than other any item in history'. Mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous and will become the universal communicator. By the end of 2010 more than half the world's people will be carrying one. Unlike other ideas being promoted...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

I know I need 50 quid, do I need Paypal to buy a Vasco?

Vasco selling readers on Ebay*? Last week they were giving them away to corporates, this week it's ebay. I suppose they'll find their market somewhere. Perhaps in the Collectibles category. I'm sorry but I remain unconvinced about the practicality of this approach and see no long term future. I am sure they dream of selling every household, interne...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Royal Bank of Scotland call centre theft

This isn't the first, and certainly won't be the last, example of security breaches from staff. There's been a lot of recent focus on the risks of external attack and how biometrics can help deal with this but the internal threat has been neglected. I've posted on the external attack on Barclays ("Security, Call Centres and Fraud"), whe...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Another Potential Risk for Biometrics? - Activists

I don't suppose there is ever any vandalism of bank ATM machines unless digging them out with a front end loader and driving off with them is counted as vandalism. The full range of potential for problems with biometrics is not really known, but we do know that a lot of people don't like the idea of biometrics. Sure there's the issue of false posit...

/regulation /retail Information Security

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Money makes the world go around

How do you get senior management buy-in for a commitment to environmental sustainability and carbon neutrality? By hitting executives where it hurts – in the back pocket. That’s the approach that’s been taken by HSBC, where environmental sustainability objectives have been linked to bonus payments in the board room. The global banking giant has co...

/retail /wholesale Going green

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ebay-Paypal immune to financial and monopoly laws?

Ebay restrains Paypal competitors by banning other payments in it's march towards monopoly. Financial institutions should be concerned that Ebay/Paypal is entering the financial services sector without being required to adhere to the same laws as FIs. The playing field is no longer level when a major global payment player is able to ignore laws de...

/payments /retail Whatever...

Alex Noble

Alex Noble Account Director at McAfee

Capital One cuts 750 UK jobs at Nottingham Call Centre

Not the best news from the Daily Telegraph and Finextra, but perhaps one of the first signs of the credit crunch hitting the call centres of UK financial services firms. I'd wondered in January this year if trends the call centre job market were a warning sign that things were getting much tougher ("Are Onshore call centre jobs always goo...


Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

Thought for Food!

Going by the events of the 10 days, it looks like Lady Subprime who has been grabbing all our attention has serious competition. The 'World Food Crisis' threatens to take us back to the basics and make us forget all about CDOs, Ninja loans, mortgage, etc. Many countries like India, China, Philippines, Thailand and most of Asia have taken extreme m...

/regulation /retail

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