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Why we need to use mobile phones for ID

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It's pretty obvious really.

The main reason is 'because we can'.

Next comes 'because more people choose or aspire to carry one than other any item in history'.

Mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous and will become the universal communicator. By the end of 2010 more than half the world's people will be carrying one.

Unlike other ideas being promoted, such as cards and gadgets and implanted chips, people choose the mobile phone. More people than anything ever before in the shortest time in history - period.

All these other crazy gadgets which require a reader are not portable. Sure you can carry the card but why would you want to, and as for carrying a reader to prove who you, it's ludicrous. This is what these charlatans expect us to do. You'll need one for each of the kid's computers too, if they are to be protected. Sure everyone is going to share, dream on. If that's how we prove who we are, or how old we (or our children are), the kids will need one for every minute that they're online.

They'll need one on every computer in the world. Dream on.  Every shop counter. Everyone?  Dream on.

All these dedicated gadget suggestions for ID require that we trust everyone. This is pretty obviously going to fail. Who do you trust with your ID? I'm sure your list doesn't include everyone.

Mobile phones are everywhere and I'll start giving some examples of how we can use them to increase our personal security and as importantly - privacy.

Tomorrows example will be

'Mobile ID yourself to Police - Anonymously'.




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