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191 Results from 2012, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Standard Core banking Deployment model- Does it exist !!!

From the day i got into the Core banking Space , i have always heard of two modes of core banking deployment model, go step by step or go big bang. When the deployment is step by step, there is an option to go either by module wise or go by geography wise, but in the later there exist only one way go all out. Is there a way out of these standard m...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Case for Relationship Pricing: The Durbin Amendment

The Durbin Amendment was introduced to limit ‘unfair’ debit card interchange fees that were imposed on merchants. The goal of the legislation was to create a more competitive payments environment, which in theory would create lower prices for consumers as merchants passed on their savings. Banks, understandably, were not so keen on losing this hig...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

At least it isn't pink ...

Citi recently re-launched its personal finance site, Women & Co - opening up the site to non-Citi customers. Well done, finally we women have a personal finance site that speaks to the issues that really matter to women ", family, home, investments, and lifestyle..." Because we all know men are never interested in any of t...

/retail Social Banks

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Pushing The Envelope On Technology - Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog post, I had lauded ICICI Bank for pushing the envelope on adopting cutting edge banking technologies by launching a Facebook App and Online Account Opening offering. In this Part 2, let me share the results of my personal experience with these initiatives and voice a few concerns around their implementation. After completing...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Startup equity pays off ...

Startup equity pays off for Facebook decorators, not only founders. Good for them.


Retired Member

Retired Member 

No Pets Allowed

I have always believed projects can be as easy or hard as your organisation wants them to be. Projects are a great mirror of the environment in which they are delivered in. If you have the right working conditions in your company your projects will flourish and be delivered on time. If not, well you know the rest. Here are five tips to help yo...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Disintermediation or Disruption - the challenges ahead

There's a great deal of discussion and debate around what will ultimately happen to banking as a result of the massive changes in connectivity, utility, mobility and customer experience taking place right now. One thing is for sure, the world is changing. We see PayPal owning online payments, with others like Stripe hot on their tails. Square is at...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Social Media in UK Financial Services

'Social Media in UK Financial Services' survey report Glue Reply conducted an online survey between 15th and 31st October 2011 across a range of UK-based financial services institutions from credit card companies, to retail and investment banks and insurance companies. The objective of this survey is to cast light on the ‘state of thinking’ about ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Importance of Relationship Based Pricing

In today's banking industry , most of the core banking solutions will support Customer Information File, General Ledger System, Transaction Processing and Posting, Loans & Deposits system, MIS reporting and multi channels. However, offering intelligent pricing to a custome,r based on the length and breadth of relationship is n

/retail /wholesale

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Don't you know who I am?!

No, this isn't a blog about that jobsworth bouncer at a Toronto bar who tried to stop me entering the Misys party at last year's Sibos (However, I did say 'I'm sooo Tweeting this!', before my colleague intervened - oh the shame....) Anyway, I attended the always entertaining CSFI/Visa Europe roundtable last Thursday on digital identity. The meeting...

/security /retail Finance 2.0

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