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162 Results from 2018, /retail

Rik Coeckelbergs

Rik Coeckelbergs Independent Advisor, Opinion Maker and Consultant at The Banking Scene

A bit earlier than expected: Revolut got banking licenced!

Two weeks ago I explained why we should not neglect the fact that Revolut will be made physically available in Belgium: they announced a country manager offices in both Antwerp and Brussels. Until last week Revolut had an e-money licence. This is sufficient for what they offer today, insufficient when playing in the Premier League of banking. So I...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Open banking: an opportunity to develop an entirely new market for financial products

Open banking represents the biggest banking transformation in a generation. Regulatory initiatives, such as ‘PSD2 and Open Banking’ from the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) empower customers to share their data and payment mandates with third parties, so they can deliver compelling new services that are rich in functionality and enhan...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What does 2019 look like for the retail banking sector?

It’s been an exciting year in the banking sector. Last week’s announcement that challenger bank Revolut has been granted a European Banking License proves that digital-first banks are no longer just the alternative chance but a real danger to legacy financial institutions. Barclay’s has already made a clear statement in their hiring of Starling Ba...


Souvik Das

Souvik Das Senior Manager, Marketing Analytics & Practice at Genpact

Using 'nudge' to boost bank acquisition campaign

Can simple but effective “nudge” theory based behavioral targeting drive higher acquisition for banks? Banks regularly struggle to achieve higher marketing efficiency in a complex and volatile business environment. While granular level customer intelligence is collected from multiple sources, leveraging inherent human behavioral pointers for market...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What to expect from retail banking in 2019

As the new year approaches, the time has come to reflect on the developments that shaped the retail banking landscape in 2018 and look ahead to the next twelve months. A year ago, I predicted that in 2018 migration to the cloud would rapidly accelerate, DLT applications would come to fruition, open banking would improve the relationship between ba...

/retail Digital Banking Trends

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Three Christmas Wishes for Digital Banking

Whilst most writers will turn their attention to reviewing the past year or more likely their predictions for the coming year, Christmas is a time to think not only of our loved ones but of others less fortunate. So my Christmas post this year is three wishes of Banks globally to help those less fortunate than us. I believe banks can make these wi...

/retail Digital Banking Trends

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Know Your Transactions - KYT

Many of us have heard about KYC (Know Your Customers) while opening bank account, Insurance Policy, Investments and Pension Schemes. Bank insist on process to know about the customer before onboarding to their systems. KYC is process of a business verifying the identity of its clients and assessing potential risks of illegal intentions for th

/security /retail Business Knowledge for IT

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Invisible PFM Will Transform Banking As You Know It

Personal Financial Management (PFM) has evolved greatly since its birth in the early eighties. Originally developed to bring money management into what was then a widespread technological shift to the nascent personal computer age, PFM has since become a sophisticated means of managing your money. But in its current “visible” guise, PFM is not ne...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What banks can do to engage with customers when they are neither selling nor solving a problem?

According to a research paper by Finextra and SAP Customer Experience, Engaging the Unengaged Customer, less than half (49%) of consumers agree that their banks work hard to engage them, and that they feel engaged. Only 36% agree that their bank advocates on their behalf, and only 35% agree that their bank always acts in their best interests rath...

/ai /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Conversational Banking: How to Start the Conversation

"How satisfied are you with your bank?" is a staple question in Voice of Customer (VOC) surveys. However, one question that is almost never asked is "How proactive is your bank in reaching out to help you with your unique financial goals?" A handful of banks are emerging as leaders in this respect, becoming proactive by deployi...

/retail Digital Banking Trends

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