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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Alan McIntyre

Alan McIntyre Transaction Reporting SME at Strait Downstream Ltd

The Regulatory Reporting Pendulum Swings Back to North America

As we slowly emerge from our socially distanced bubbles and contemplate the view beyond our own back garden towards the wider world again, we thought to cast our eyes stateside. More specifically, towards the North American regulatory reporting landscape. So why is that piquing our interest in particular? Well, pre-lockdown, quite a lot happened to...

/regulation /markets

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Safety is the new experience - but so is PSD2 and SCA

Retailers have been wrestling for months with the effects of COVID-19 — scattered workforces required to work from home, closed brick-and-mortar stores, dramatic spikes in online sales. And now, as they begin to reopen their physical stores, they are faced with another major disruption — the need to be ready for full enforcement of PSD2 and its st...

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Vladimir Ershov

Vladimir Ershov Head of Data Science & Machine Learning at Clausematch

Unboxing Skynet for Regulatory Compliance

Last week, the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics took place online. Most of the discussion was dedicated to AI and linguistics, with round tables based around cognitive and computational building blocks for creating more natural and human-like language in machines. Events like this are a valuable source of unique...

/regulation /devops Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Hugh Cumberland

Hugh Cumberland Director - UK & EMEA at txtsmarter

Eavesdropping in a post-COVID-19 world.

The advent of the telephone nearly 150 years ago, followed by the rapid creation of local, national and then international telephone networks, put an end to the use of the telegraph in trading of financial products fairly swiftly. But it was not long before traders grew frustrated with exchange- based telephone services – due to unanswered calls a...

/regulation /covid-19

Freddie McMahon

Freddie McMahon Director Strategy and Innovation at DF2020 Ltd

The emerging market to digitalise regulation is an USD 1,000 billion opportunity

Regulatory distribution is systemically broken The conventional way governments distribute rules for use by citizens, businesses, other private actors and for the institutions of government is through documents and other forms of content. As highlighted in an earlier paper “The Dangerous Risk of Interactions with Regulation”[i], the use of docume...

/regulation /cloud Fintech innovation and startups

Nikhita Hyett

Nikhita Hyett Managing Director - Europe at BlueSnap

Outages caused by Wirecard show that the time to look at multi-acquiring is now

The retail and ecommerce industry has already seen a number of significant unexpected events to contend with in 2020. The effects from the unplanned outage caused by Wirecard’s issues can be added to a growing list of unwelcome surprises this year, which have put huge pressure on retailers from both a financial and a technical perspective. For any...

/payments /regulation

Anna Monteiro

Anna Monteiro Global Head of Business and Product Development at

Investing in Sweden - Take Note

It’s July, so naturally, things are starting to heat up here in the northeastern part of the US. Taking a look back at the first half of the year, regulatory organizations were also heating up. I’ve previously written about the need for automation to support global shareholding disclosure obligations due to changes in short position reporting, and...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

Adam Bialy

Adam Bialy Chief Product Officer at OpenPayd

Where are we with Open Banking?

COVID-19 has accelerated digital transformation across the financial services industry in a way that it was not wholly prepared for. It has placed fintechs much further ahead in the race to adapt and deliver new business models and revenue streams, especially for those who have already leveraged the potential of Open Banking. But while traditional...

/regulation /retail Open Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Digitalize-or-Die Crossroads for Asset Servicing: Closing the Client and Investor Experience Gap

The Asset Servicing (AS) industry is an essential but often overlooked component of global financial markets. Yet, while transfer agents and fund administrators are critical to the smooth running of middle- and back-office operations for many Asset Management firms, the sector is at a ‘change or die’ crossroads in its evolution. The current state ...

/regulation /covid-19 Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Stock Ticker Is the Beating Heart of U.S. Finance. Why Haven’t We Got One?

Since the implementation Mifid1 in 2007, there has been a lot of talk about a pan-European consolidated tape, whether it would benefit the market, how it might operate and why it has not come about without regulatory pressure. Post 2007 when stocks when allowed to trade on multiple exchanges, market participants who wanted to see the full history a...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

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