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Latest /regulation expert opinions

King Leung

King Leung Global Head of Financial Services and FinTech at InvestHK

eKYC: Unlocking the value in Hong Kong’s financial space

Traditional banks, insurers, and financial service providers in Hong Kong are jumping on board with fintech adoption, with a Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) study showing 86 per cent of incumbents are currently adopting fintech technologies. These financial institutions have succeeded to varying degrees in digitalising their businesses. Yet, m...

/regulation /inclusion Banking Regulations

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Five steps to build trust in the digital age

With more people engaging and transacting with organisations online during the pandemic, there has been a corresponding rise in fraudulent activity. In the banking industry the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found a 68 per cent increase in remote banking fraud in 2020. Furthermore, research from UK Finance reveals that £479 million was lost...

/regulation /identity Digital Identity Management

Shagun Varshney

Shagun Varshney Senior Product Manager at Signifyd

The limits of SCA and why fraud protection is more important than ever

Risk professionals and retail leaders for months have been fixated on the new strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements that arrived with PSD2 — and rightfully so. The new payments regulation, set for enforcement in the UK in March 2022, is a once-in-a-generation change with the potential to massively disrupt an enterprise or to push an ent...

/payments /regulation Digital Sales

Andreas Hobbelin

Andreas Hobbelin Head of AML & FCP at ZTL PAYMENT SOLUTION

Heard about Hurds bank?

No, it’s not a Bank, it’s an offshore bank located east of Malta (35°53'N 14°45'E) and hardly visible on the map What about Hurds bank? If I say bypassing sanctions, do I have your attention? Since at least 2015, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Libya and even North Korea as well as terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, have been r...

/regulation /crime Transaction Banking

Vivek Pingili

Vivek Pingili Director at ACA Group

Leveraging New Technology for Side Letter and Other Legal Document Management

The private markets fund industries have seen a significant proliferation in both the volume and complexity of side letters over the course of the last decade. Given the long-term nature of investing in the private markets via closed-end structures, where investors are often locked into such vehicles for periods of 10 years or longer, investors h...

/regulation Private Equity Investing in Financial Technology

Kartik Swaminathan

Kartik Swaminathan Author - 3F: Future Fintech Framework & Founder at Fintastech (Fintech Consulting & Coaching)

Dealing with AI / ML - Insights and Challenges

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning (AI, ML & DL) are being increasingly looked at w.r.t bringing in benefits of automation and reducing human limitations or bias in the system. I recently attended some online sessions on AI, ML & DL, where presenters shared some good perspectives. I learnt that, while AI, ML &...

/regulation /retail Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Improving predictive models for finance through the use of shared synthetic data

Data is produced and collected at an unprecedented scale by users and companies. However, GDPR regulations impose strict restrictions on internal and external data sharing for public and private organizations. This is problematic in many ways. Consider healthcare, for instance, where clinicians would like to understand possible outcomes of availab...

/regulation /predictions Synthetic Data

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Financial Regulation is Shifting After Brexit

With the UK now out of the EU, the drive towards equivalence is giving way in favour of regulatory divergence. What will this mean for the UK financial sector? While the EU is pushing towards harmonisation of regulations around the world, the UK sees Brexit as a chance to restore power and give more discretion to their own regulators. This, it is


Peter Ku

Peter Ku P & Chief Industry Strategist - Financial Services at Informatica

Why robust data governance is vital now GDPR is three

The 25th May marked the third anniversary of GDPR – and in many ways, it’s hard to believe it’s been three years. Precisely 661 fines since the regulation’s arrival have been issued, and many data protection ‘unknown unknowns’ remain for UK financial services organisations. It is common for data protection officers and cyber security specialists i...

/regulation /cloud Data Management 101

Richard Blore

Richard Blore Chief Executive Officer, KY3P, IHS Markit at IHS Markit

ESG is becoming a critical component in Supply Chain. Are you ready?

Social and Governance in the supply chain The focus on non-financial, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) data and metrics continues to increase across all industries and regions. Both public and private companies are under increasing pressure from investors, civil society and governments to make ambitious public commitments covering all as...

/regulation /sustainable Financial Supply Chain

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