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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Roel Mels

Roel Mels Global Head of Marketing at TRG Screen

Data, Data Everywhere: Managing New Digital Assets in The Market Data Mix

The financial services industry is known for its complexity in terms of the multitude and proliferation of market participants, vendors, products, user requirements, agreements and pricing structures. Alongside this, the global financial sector generates an enormous amount of data (measured today in petabytes i.e., 1,000s of terabytes), creating d...

/regulation /crypto

Jenny Nittmann

Jenny Nittmann Managing Director at Nitt & Huff GmbH

Cross-Border Payments with the EU? Ready for new reporting obligations to the EU Commission?

CESOP – An EU-wide VAT transactional reporting obligation for payment service providers If your business provides payment services in scope of the EU PSD2 legislation, you may be required to report transactional data related to cross-border payments to CESOP, the EU’s new “Central Electronic System of Payment” information. Reporting starts in Janu...

/payments /regulation Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The race is on for instant payments, could the Nordics lead the way?

Innovation in payments has long dominated the fintech industry. However, when it comes to clearing houses and large payment infrastructures, progress has been slow. Facilitating instant payments at scale and across borders, for example, has been on the global agenda for a while, such as the implementation of PSD2 which aimed to increase the use of...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Bridging the divide between TradFi and DeFi

The use of digital assets and blockchain solutions has gradually become more prominent as the digital transformation of the financial services industry has progressed. As Finance 4.0 advances, there is an increasing demand to access a full range of digital products and services in tandem with traditional financial services. While the convergence o...

/regulation /crypto Digital Asset Class (DAC)

Galit Shani-Michel

Galit Shani-Michel VP Payments at Forter

Crossing the Data Delta: How to Work with your PSP on your PSD2 Strategy

The PSD2 regulation came into force in the UK on 14 March 2022, a full two years after it was implemented in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Central to the directive is the requirement for merchants to conduct Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) unless an exemption or exclusion can be granted. However, although this, in theory, means less fraud...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Yahya Mohamed Mao

Yahya Mohamed Mao Head of Business Development & Marketing at Swiss GRC

Current initiatives on climate-related financial risks

Central banks and financial supervisors worldwide are making progress in the identification, assessment, and management of climate-related financial risks. Banks are increasingly being required by regulators to address climate risk. Some have begun, but many must still develop plans, build capabilities, and develop risk-management frameworks. Pr...

/regulation /identity Banking Regulations

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on The Banking Industry

There’s no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacts most industries. AI can accomplish more with less, from manufacturing to telecommunications to food service. At the same time, it’s a powerful tool for companies to meet or exceed consumer expectations. You may not realize that domestic and offshore banks also employ AI in several ways. T...

/regulation /predictions Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Federico Baradello

Federico Baradello Founder and CEO at Finalis

Banking-as-a-Service Evolves

The verdict is in: the paradigm-shifting Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) evolution over the past several years is reshaping traditional banking. But in the midst of developments pioneered by many BaaS companies, regulatory and compliance fissures have emerged and expose a cautionary tale: the regulatory mechanism maintained by traditional charter-hold...

/regulation /predictions Banking and Lending Solutions

Liam Chennells

Liam Chennells CEO & Founder at Detected

Fraud is causing Companies House to crumble. It needs a stronger footing.

It should come as no surprise to anyone that the UK has a fraud problem. Bosses at UK Finance, HSBC and NatWest have recently called out Companies House for, once again, facilitating business fraud. While Companies House has long been an easy target for fraudsters, the main aim of the online register has been to reduce fraud by requiring specific c...

/regulation /crime

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Mandated action on multiple parties is needed for APP fraud prevention

Over the last three months, The House of Lords, European Commission and the Payment System Regulator (PSR) published detailed reports and proposals on how to prevent instant payment fraud. It is not easy and requires multiple partners to work together and consumers and business to do their part to stop these escalating frauds by having robust, man...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

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