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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Dmitrii Barbasura

Dmitrii Barbasura Chief Operating Officer at Fintech Galaxy

Jordan’s Regulation of Open Finance Services: Trailblazing the innovative path

At the end of November, The Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) issued instructions governing Open Finance services by all banks operating in the Kingdom, as well as online payment and money transfer companies subject to the bank's supervision and control, marking the new era of enhanced, seamless, and enjoyable financial experiences. The last couple of ...

/payments /regulation Online Banking

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

A Guide to Website Archiving 2023

Across all sectors, organizations are steadily publishing more and more content online. This has become even more prominent post-pandemic, as the global community shifted online to overcome the physical limitations placed upon them by lockdown. Websites are used to sell products and services to clients, to publish and share sales and marketing mat...

/regulation /startups RegTech

Anna Becker

Anna Becker CEO and Co-founder at EndoTech

Why The Crypto Industry Needs to Self-Regulate – Now

After perpetrating what appears to be one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time – out-Madoffing Madoff, as it were – Sam Bankman Fried has been arrested, indicted and will likely serve time. And thank goodness for that. SBF was just the most prominent huckster who took advantage of eager investors in new technology. His criminality, however, sho...

/regulation /crypto Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Simon Gilbert

Simon Gilbert Founder at Elmore

Building resilience: How insurers can protect crypto exchanges and their customers in 2023

Insurance is based on the sound principle that underwriters should cover only acceptable and clearly understood risks. Following last year’s challenges in the crypto world, crypto exchange insurers are increasingly focusing on more rigorous controls in this fast-moving and dynamic space. One thing is certain: crypto exchanges with a transparent an...

/regulation /crypto Finextra site news

Stan Cowan

Stan Cowan 

Community Banks and Credit Unions Can Manage Fraud and Compliance Risk Management in a Single Soluti

It is becoming increasingly harder to delineate between fraud risk and compliance risk. The speed with which identity fraudsters and money launderers move to exploit gaps within financial crime risk management systems has increased due to the race toward greater digitalization and increasing service expectations from consumers. And community bank...

/regulation /crime Financial Risk Management

Stuart Smith

Stuart Smith Head of Business Development at Acadia

Big Data in Derivatives Trading

In recent years, the financial industry has embraced the power of big data to gain valuable insights and drive better decision making. From identifying market trends and creating quantitative trading strategies to detecting fraud and managing risk, big data has become an indispensable tool for finance professionals. One of the key challenges of ...

/payments /regulation

Ray Connolly

Ray Connolly Sales Director at Regtick

The Road to Compliance: Undertaking the Journey through a single lens approach

A compliance officer's journey towards ensuring regulatory compliance is challenging and fraught with obstacles. In today's world of constant change, new and amended regulations are introduced frequently on top of the constant pressure to reduce costs while increasing efficiencies. The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) has the responsibility to ens...


Anna Monteiro

Anna Monteiro Global Head of Business and Product Development at

A Busy Fourth Quarter for Foreign Direct Investment

It was a busy fourth quarter for regulations concerning foreign direct investment. It seems that not all were watching the World Cup. Several jurisdictions issued consultations concerning qualified holdings and investment screening: EU ECB – issued consultation (now closed) on a draft Guide which aims to increase transparency by clarifying the ECB...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

Gilbert Verdian

Gilbert Verdian Founder and CEO at Quant

DLT in 2023: Out of the blocks

Blockchain use cases abounded in 2022, but we’ve only scratched the surface of what this transformative technology can help achieve. What’s coming down the track in 2023 for the interplay between distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the financial services sector? 1. There will be agreement that the unregulated crypto experiment has failed ...

/regulation /wholesale

Cristian Gheorghita

Cristian Gheorghita Director of Sales at Fintech Galaxy

Open Banking in Bahrain – MENA’s Disrupter – at a glance

A few years since Open Banking took off in Bahrain, the local community is yet to witness a plethora of use cases built on top of Open Banking capabilities. Bahrain has been leading the financial services’ transformation in the MENA region, especially when it comes to regulating the participants’ interaction under the Open Banking umbrella. The Bah...

/payments /regulation Open Banking

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