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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

ChatGPT, compliance, and the impending wave of AI-fuelled content

As digitalization continues to permeate everyday life, data archiving has become increasingly vital for a variety of reasons. With the emergence of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered chatbot, the landscape has again shifted dramatically. But what are the implications of this breakthrough, and how will it impact digital archiving? What is C...

/regulation /cloud Data Management and Governance

Christina Anibal

Christina Anibal Director at UHY

Uncertainty is Here to Stay. What Does This Mean for Mergers and Acquisitions?

The uncertainty we’re experiencing today is unlikely to ease anytime soon. While there’s value in exploring near-term outlooks, the much bigger question in our view is what to do with persistent uncertainty. We’ve entered a new geopolitical era, a new economic era, and we’re in the midst of a technological revolution. The biggest winners in the ne...


Vasile Valcov

Vasile Valcov Chief Commercial Officer at Salt Edge

Choosing the open banking strategy that fits a bank’s needs is now easier

As technology evolves and is more present in our lives, consumers are beginning to ask why banking services cannot be as intuitive as managing their music playlists. Higher consumer expectations combined with the currently fast-changing environment brought by open banking make banks jump into new innovative waters. In the past, banks’ open bankin...

/regulation /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

The importance of high-quality data for risk decisions

In today's financial landscape, fintechs, banks and other lenders need to make sound credit decisions in order to stay afloat. And one of the most important factors in making accurate credit decisions is having high-quality data. But if your data is incomplete, outdated, or not compliant, you won’t be able to use it to make the right risk decisions...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

New Payments Architecture infrastructure must drive innovation and reduce costs

Although the UK was a pioneer with the Faster Payments Scheme (FPS) in 2008, we cannot afford to be complacent in adopting real-time payments compared to other economies in the G7 and beyond. And with the UK’s New Payments Architecture (NPA) on its way, it will start impacting direct FPS participants in the next 12 months. Vendor selection and tes...

/payments /regulation

David Guiver

David Guiver Head of Transact and Infrastructure Products at IR

Optimising Payments - and the transition to ISO20022

Payment models are changing radically, creating both challenges and opportunities for financial institutions. New digital-only banks have accelerated innovation, while the pace of global change has created a new competitive landscape. UK financial institutions also face the additional pressures created by the need to migrate to new technology plat...

/payments /regulation Frictionless Payments

Robert Houghton

Robert Houghton Founder at Insightful Technology

Everyone’s unfairly guilty, until proven innocent in the eyes of financial regulators

The recent raids by French prosecutors that targeted the Paris offices of five major banks including HSBC and BNP Paribas on suspicion of fiscal fraud is a serious matter, and it’s one that should not be taken lightly. If the authorities have evidence that a bank or its employees have committed a crime, then they should absolutely investigate and h...

/regulation /crime Banking Regulations

Pierre-Antoine Dusoulier

Pierre-Antoine Dusoulier Founder and CEO at iBanFirst

The silent revolution of international payments

A quiet revolution is taking place and it’s radically changing the banking landscape. The payment industry has undergone a historic shift across Europe. While handling payments has long been associated with the banking profession, today it is rapidly becoming a specialised expertise. And the market is huge. According to a McKinsey survey, the glob...

/payments /regulation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

5 lessons from hundreds of data benchmarking exercises

When it comes to reducing data bureau pricing, what matters most isn’t what you paid last year, but how you can get the best price for the highest quality data and scores. We have worked with hundreds of organisations across a huge swath of the credit industry, helping them do just that. Over time, we’ve learned to recognise a number of important l...

/regulation /retail Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Costly Consequences of Unethical AI Whisperer

Yes.. I am talking about the AI applications - our myriad AI applications and upcoming ones whispering to humans about what to do…. how to do it…but not about the whisperers who interact with the AI chatbots. According to IDC predictions, the global AI market could reach over $500 billion by 2024 – a more than 50% increase

/security /regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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