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4170 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Application fraud: enemies at the gate

Defending against fraud is difficult even in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. The gains achieved by making card transactions more secure have pushed fraud to the main gate of entry: the application. In the most notorious form of application fraud, organized crime rings open accounts using stolen identities or synthetic iden...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Truth and Unintended Consequences

So much for “praise in public and reprimand in private.” A teacher publicly reprimanding a student who launches a spitball in class demonstrates to everyone the consequences of certain behavior. Regulators’ handling of the 2008 financial crisis and this year’s scandals among UBS, MF Global and others had to be as public as they were demonstrative. ...


Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

How the post office is killing identity verification

There has been a 25% decline in the total mail volume for the USPS (United States Postal Service) from 2006-2011, resulting in a $5.1 Billion loss in 2011 alone. Since 2007 the USPS has been unable to cover its annual budget, 80 percent of which goes to salaries and benefits. In contrast, 43 percent of FedEx's (FDX) budget and 61 percent of United...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Securing New Digital Devices

Laptops, desktops, Macs, mobiles, and tablets are on many people’s wish lists this holiday season. Once these shiny new devices are connected to the Internet, they will be under siege by malware created by criminals in order to steal identities. According to a recent McAfee survey, 60% of consumers now own at least three digital devices, and 25% ow...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

OTC clearing: show me the money

As a result of OTC clearing reform – Dodd-Frank, EMIR – the cost of OTC deals is clearly going to rise, and spreads and volumes are going to fall. Who can make money in a market like that? With the cost of eligible collateral pledged to clearing houses rising – due to the shortage of collateral, cash and non-cash – banks will have no choice but to ...

/regulation /wholesale

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Managing Family Time On The iPad or iPhone

On our way home from a recent family vacation, my two year old grew understandably anxious and uncooperative while waiting for a flight in an airport terminal. So I handed over my iPhone, hoping to distract her. Within seconds, she had launched the photo application and begun scrolling through the videos of our trip. She’d watch a video, giggle a ...

/security /regulation

Ronan Brennan

Ronan Brennan CTO at MoneyMate

Getting the house in order for a post RDR world

2012 is set to be a dynamic year in the financial advisory sector. With the FSA’s Retail Distribution Review (RDR) coming into effect in December 2012, IFAs have to up the ante with standardised professional qualifications and increased transparency of charges and services. With time running out to comply, it is not a matter of when, but how to pr...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Want to See the Game Change? Be a Game Changer

Before any pick-up game as a kid -- or now for that matter -- we always set up the rules. The more complex the game, the longer everyone must wait to play. But participants in the capital markets cannot suspend their work, starting with the 2008 financial meltdown and ending who-knows-when, as Dodd-Frank, Basel III and other regimes get sorted. So ...


Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Imagine Y2050 new payment structure for 1300mil migrants

TILL 2050 THERE WILL COME TO EUROPE 1,3 BILLION NEW MIGRANTS..... copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Retired Member

Retired Member 

For-bearance or against it?

So what actually are the FSA after then? Do they want firms to treat their ‘customers fairly’ when in times of temporary financial shortages, or do they want lenders and administrators to be more transparent to them when reporting residential mortgage arrears and shortfall figures? Read between the lines of the FSA’s latest guidance paper on ‘Fo...

/regulation /retail Financial Services Regulation

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