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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Anna Monteiro

Anna Monteiro Global Head of Business and Product Development at

Stepping Closer to a SEC Decision on 13D/G

On 22 June, the SEC’s Investor Advisory Committee (IAC) held a public meeting (13D/G ~3:09 mark) which included a discussion on the proposed amendments to the 13D/G filings. We’re all familiar with these regulations and the proposed amendments which were presented in 2022 so I will not bore you with those details. Having only one abstention vote (...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

Tim Loo

Tim Loo Executive Director of Strategy at Foolproof

Consumer Duty: an opportunity for innovation

Today’s economic backdrop is tough. Major events such as the Covid pandemic and ongoing war in Ukraine have fuelled an inflationary environment that has many people and businesses facing a cost-of-living crisis. Indeed, according to PwC, some 8.9 million people experience ‘financial fragility’. In addition, one in two are under-served by financia...

/regulation Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Instant cross-border payments, with G20 recommendation, are coming.

A superb discussion at EBAday 2023 was on the move to real-time cross border payments everywhere. Movement from next day payment delivery into the bank account to within an hour to become the new norm. “The G20 proposed standard of 75% payments made within 60 minutes.” The G20 standard coupled with the EU are mandating instant euro payments by year...

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Mete Feridun

Mete Feridun Chair at EMU Centre for Financial Regulation and Risk

Practical Insights from the Basel Commission’s proposed changes to its Core Principles

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) issued a public consultation on revisions to the Core principles for effective banking supervision ("Core Principles") on 6 July 2023, reflecting supervisory developments and structural changes affecting the banking system since the previous update in 2012 in six areas: financial risks; o...

/regulation /retail Banking Regulations

Michael Saadat

Michael Saadat 

The UK has an opportunity to lead the world on BNPL regulation. Does it risk falling behind?

At this year’s edition of London Tech Week held last month, advocates of the city’s tech scene once again convened to showcase its benefits as a global hub for innovative business. But, while much of the conversation was understandably focused on AI’s role in the future economy, this year’s event also marked a critical moment for the UK’s pioneer...

/payments /regulation BNPL

Maysam Rizvi

Maysam Rizvi CEO at Elifinty

Why the FCA’s Consumer Duty Regulations Will Create a New Opportunity for Fintech

The FCA’s new consumer duty regulations, coming into force on the 27th of July, require firms to deliver good outcomes for retail customers. Financial Institutions are concerned about the new regulations, often requiring them to overhaul many processes left untouched for decades on end. Herein lies the golden opportunity for nimble fintechs; by bu...

/regulation /startups Financial Inclusion

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Merging Banks Through a Transformation of Sales and Service Operations

Bringing together two financial organisations to offer better value to customers, greater organisational efficiencies and to be a platform for ongoing innovation is quite simply the toughest challenge any financial institution has to face. Notwithstanding the regulatory scrutiny, there are so many moving pieces to work with and you need to minimis...

/payments /regulation Banking Regulations

Neil Glover

Neil Glover Senior Director, Customer Solutions at Quantanite

What Does The Consumer Duty Mean For Contact Centres?

Most readers of this journal will have some awareness of the FCA Consumer Duty. The important date when the new rules will apply is 31 July 2023 - not long now. In short it sets out to achieve an improvement in consumer protection by requiring financial service companies to deliver good outcomes for customers. Surely all financial service companie...

/regulation /people Outsourcing Banking, Financial Services Operations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are you managing compliance as a black box?

According to Wikipedia, “in science, computing, and engineering, a black box is a system which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and outputs, without any knowledge of its internal workings. Its implementation is "opaque" (black) .The opposite of a black box is a system where the inner components or logic are available for inspection, ...

/regulation RegTech

Daniel Schlaepfer

Daniel Schlaepfer CEO at Select Vantage Inc

All eyes turn to SEC as EU finally bans PFOF

Last Thursday, the European Union said that member states and the European Parliament had reached a deal on updating the bloc's MiFID-related securities trading rules. The EU has been reviewing its rules to reflect advances in trading technology as well as the departure of the United Kingdom from the bloc, presenting new competition to EU markets. ...

/regulation /markets MiFID

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